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National Webinar on ‘Balancing the Minorities’ Rights in China and India’

One Day National Webinar

Protection of minorities’ rights in international affairs is a dominant subject and China is not an exception. The denial of social and cultural rights to minorities by some Asian countries has attracted attention from global media and the United Nations. The question of minorities’ rights in China has been an issue of substantial advances in the academic world too. The western media has been critical towards China to show drawing global attention to the issue of denial of human rights and religious freedom to Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang (China).

The webinar will primarily focus on the status of religious, cultural and linguistic autonomy of the minorities in China and India under the international human rights law framework.

The webinar will be a humble attempt to expand the existing knowledge about India and China in sphere of protection of minorities’ rights of the two Asian powers.

Who is it for?

Students, Law Students, Lawyers, Academicians, Scholars, Research Fellow and Anyone interested in knowing the topic.



Registration procedure

Interested participants must register themselves through the Google® Form provided on this page.


Participation Certificates shall be distributed to all registered attendees after the conclusion of the webinar.

Registration deadline

Register by January 25, 2022

Contact information

  • Akshay Kumar: +91 9452 6557 07
  • Ananthu G S: +91 7736 3649 85
  • Kanika Chhillar: +91 7838 9095 30
  • Minthang Timothy: +91 9899 2272 41

About the organizer

Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi: Campus Law Centre is the time-tested legal institution par excellence. It is the national hub of legal studies. Since its inception in 1924, the Department has been a leader producing many legal luminaries, supreme court and high court judges, leading advocates, political leaders, policy makers and trendsetters in all walks of life.


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National Webinar on ‘Balancing the Minorities’ Rights in China and India’

Jan 27, 2022
Hosted by:
CLC, Delhi University
Registration Fees: