Submit Article

Articles refer to articles, academic papers, master theses, and other scholarly writings that contain a more in-depth analysis of an arbitration-related topic. We accept the submission of materials that have originally been written for a different purpose (e.g. during studies) and/or have been published elsewhere, provided that the contributing author is the original copyright holder of the work in question, owns the legal rights to use the information and is not prohibited from reproducing, distributing or displaying the work.

Subject matter

Articles should contain an in-depth discussion of a topic related to legal field that may be of interest for an international audience. 


Citations should be made as follows: a. Case citations: should be made in a format generally accepted in country where the decision has been rendered. Regardless of such formatting, references must in any case contain the date of the decision; a reference to the court/arbitration case number; the parties (if known); place of publication; page(s) and/or paragraph(s) quoted 

Article Citations

Must contain author’s initial of first name and last name capitalized and in full, title of article in double quotation marks, year in round brackets, title of journal in italics (with reference to volume number, if applicable), page(s) and/or paragraph(s) quoted.


The working language of Law Community is English. Hence, we only accept materials submitted in English to ensure that we reach a maximum number of Users.


Contributors are encouraged to enhance the clarity of their Article (and Summary) by a clear structure. Such structure may be achieved by using paragraphs, subtitles, where appropriate. Longer Articles must contain a Table of Contents.

General Guidelines:

  • Complete submission must be original, well-written and must not have been previously published or submitted to any other publisher.
  • Submission must be made in Microsoft Word document format (.doc or .docx) only.
  • All word limits are exclusive of footnotes
  • Submissions should be made in font Times New Roman with font size 12, line spacing 1.5'; justified.
  • Footnotes cited in the submission should be typed in font Times New Roman with font size 10, line spacing 1'; justified.
  • Referencing must be in conformity with the APA Footnoting Style.
  • If images are included, submit in jpg or gif format only.
  • A one-line gap must be maintained between all paragraphs and headings.
  • All paragraphs must begin with a one-inch indent.
  • Submission should be made in paragraphs and no submission in form of bullets shall be accepted.
  • All hyperlinks must be in black colour and must not be underlined.
  • Include an appropriate and informative title for submission.
  • Capitalize only the first letter of each word in the title.
  • Do not use profanity.
  • Avoid biased or derogatory language.
  • All submission content must be written from a neutral point of view. This allows all views to be represented fairly and without bias.
  • Authors should aim to provide complete information, and not to promote one particular point of view over another.
  • Plagiarism leverage for submission not more than 15%.


  • Every week 2 Best Article will be Awarded with Rs 2000 Cash Prize
  • Top 5 article in a Month will get free Access to 1 Event Organised By Law Community
  • Every Article will be awarded with Publication Certificate

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