In Conversation with Sridhar Potaraju

Mr. Shridhar Potaraju under the initiative, lawyer speaks. He is a pioneer in tax law. Which he had inherited from his family. As he belongs from a family of Charted Accountants. He was adamant for law from his grade 7, As constitution always intrigued him. It led to making of a great litigant, Mr. Shridhar Potaraju.

Team Law Community
August 28, 2020


He always heard about the importance of Delhi University, so he came from Hyderabad to Delhi for hi bachelors. Coming to Delhi was not easy for an outsider, according to him. But he did a lot of hard work in initial times.This was a rough patch which came in his life. He did not give up and kept on working as hard as possible. He kept patience, believed in himself and got thorough that. He never turned back after that.


Pandemic came with all new challenges and opportunities. It proved to be an addition fora techno-savvy as Mr. Potaraju. He added, that technology is the basic part of to days world and he said that he had been very comfortable with the same.whether it is video conferencing, webinars or work.

Piece of Advice

As a lawyer you could go for practitioner or a firm. On this Mr. Potaraju exclaimed that it is the choice of the individual totally. Yes, practicing is abit difficult initially but it yields its own results in the end. And being in a firm has its own challenges. So, basically am individual has to make sure that he is adamant to do it. Then nothing can stop you from achieving success.

Changes required in courts and Environmental law

Technology is being embraced as development in the world. The Indian Judiciary is diligent in taking all the steps and conditions, and then embracing technologies by making progress. We are working as a technology tool on the Artificial Intelligence. He was always technology friendly. He was having very efficient team for digitalization as mentioned above, He added.

India is a country in which more laws are needed then. Some of the offences are protected by IPC, so we need more rules and we don't need to amend them. It brings out a lot of inefficiencies as we are simply making new laws and not implementing the existing laws. This is a really bad idea to increase the number of rules. This particular advice that he gave is of utmost importance.

To Conclude

As this pandemic real societies contact has taken down, both technology and the cyber world becomes really important for today's time. We interact with the people can only be in virtual space. Law Community is a Place where you can interact with wide spectrum of peoples, He added.