Start from Ground Level to achieve greatness in future.

Advocate Nivesh Sharma in his interview talks that any law student should start developing his/ her skills from the first semester itself. He said that gaining experience is the only asset which can build any person future. Running behind money can give you happiness, but knowledge can grant goodwill and pleasure both. Every law student should work from the ground level, i.e. from Non-Governmental Organizations to Supreme Court; there should be steps identified by every person. Doing a large number of an internship is not vital for success, but doing the internship and gaining different and new positive aspects of life from each internship is valuable for the future. He concluded by saying that peace of mind is necessary for a person to hone, as, in the field of law, frequent changes are very prevalent.

Team Law Community
August 29, 2020



We welcomed Mr. Nivesh to a semi- formal conversation; under the initiative of lawyer speaks. He is deemed to be an Advocate in Honorable Supreme court. He joined our organisation for a brief period and told various facets about his life. From his childhood to his litigating days. It will give an insightful experience to budding lawyer and will give them valuable knowledge about the field they will go in their future.




He said that, he accidently came into law. He was a science student and didn’t proved to be very good in it. He did a detailed research in all the fields that he could go into. Law seemed to be much more interesting than others.Everything about law was So genuine that he could not stop himself and pursued law.


He took part in a lot of moot courts, Internships and debates; from the very first year. It gave him the exposure that he needed to achieve greatness in future.He suggested that one should join NGO’S, Lawyers of trial courts, high courts and supreme courts.


As these are the places which in real teaches the true meaning of proceeding’s, policies and what not. Basically, Internships are the ladder towards the success. One should not go towards stipend;Experience is of much more importance. He said, that students think about stipend which is not the way they should think.






In these extra-ordinary circumstances, Firstly, it was a little difficult to adapt.But as the time passed by, lawyers are very happy with the same. As it takes very less time, more transparency and it’s a huge leap for legal fraternity.This in his point of view, the ‘new normal’. Technology is a must in today’s world, he added.


He added, that the lawyers are lacking behind when it comes to technology advancements. As dynamic environment is resisted. Lawyer are not well aware of the process and ways the things takes place. It paves a challenge for them. But they will adapt to it with time.




As far as ethics related to laws are concerned. It is really difficult to follow all of them. Being a litigant, it is very difficult to follow these ethics. As client change lawyers in a blink and it makes lawyers like Mr. Nivesh empty handed. He added, that it is the bitter truth of civil litigation. He said, that one should maintain the peace of mind as situations change, as problems are the part of life.




He admired the kind of work that law community carries. A community like this helps budding lawyer to get a head start and achieve much more in their lives. This provides a whole new platform and opportunities to these little buds.

It also provides youngsters with insightful internships and brilliant seminars along with it. These kind of community makes the world a better place and appreciate the work that law community, He added.