COVID Files: Experiences of College Student during Lockdown

An ordinary day of a First-Year undergraduate like me, starts with a heartfelt hug from my mamma. Then I rush towards university, college is chiefly a chance to meet friends, eat in cafeteria and cherish time mocking each other. But lockdown came up with all new challenges and opportunities for a student like me. 

Team Law Community
June 18, 2020

An ordinary day of a First-Year undergraduate like me, starts with a heartfelt hug from my mamma. Then I rush towards university, college is chiefly a chance to meet friends, eat in cafeteria and cherish time mocking each other. But lockdown came up with all new challenges and opportunities for a student like me. 


As lockdown advances, it becomes all the more thought-provoking for a person like me. I use to go outside a lot for trying new delicacies, wandering on bikes chit-chatting with my friends, dinning out with my family. But due to this pandemic situation, all these things are almost impossible to attain. 

So, I miss all of it and sometimes it becomes extremely difficult to remain at home. Mind becomes a little depressed, but I overcome all this by thinking of the betterment of my family. Its my responsibility as a law student to adhere to all the policies that government make for combatting the virus.

Bearing in mind all the policies made by the administration, I have not gone out of my household from past ‘two months’. All the necessaries that we need, we order from grofers and disinfect all the groceries and then use it. I have become all the more vigilant for everything that we touch even the air we breathe.


For an undergraduate, lockdown made me learn many new things, along with online modes of learning to cherishing time with my family. It gave me a chance to self-introspect me and allowed me to improve myself as an individual.

I found many sites and applications like ‘united nations’ and ‘coursera’ which provided me a lot of valuable knowledge along with certification. It is the easiest way to utilise the spare time. This time in lockdown came up with all new internship chances which improved me as an individual.

Many people take these states of affairs as burden and boredom, but I really relish every single day. Seeing movies, Netflix with my family. Trying new dishes with them. Discussing all the joyful moments of my childhood with my mamma brings a treat to my heart. 


If you ask me lockdown is more of a golden chance for a college student to improve themselves and search for all new opportunities that opens all new horizons. So, what are you waiting for?

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