The National Institute of Design Bill, 2014 was introduced by Nirmala Sitharaman, then Minister of State for Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Minister of State for Finance and Corporate Affairs, in the Parliament on 11th March 2013 passed by the Lok Sabha on 9th July 2014. The act seeks to declare the National Institute of Design as an institution of national importance. It aims to promote quality and excellence in education, research and training in designs and all fields relating to it. The National Institute of Design is headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, having its campuses at Gandhinagar and Bengaluru. 


The act seeks to develop graduate, post graduate degrees, and doctoral and post-doctoral distinctions in all areas relating to design. This institute will provide quality education and research through professional leadership. Providing scholarships and monetary assistance will encourage and improve the education of students who are likely to be engaged in the field of design. 


  1. Authorities of the Institute: The Institute of Design shall consist of the following authorities:
  1. Governing Council: This body would be responsible for directing and controlling the affairs of the Institute, and will have the power to review acts of the senate. It shall take decisions relating to the working and administration of the Institute. 

The governing council would comprise of the following authorities- 

  • A Chairperson, who should be a distinguished academician, scientist or technologist or professional or an industrialist, nominated by the Visitor i.e. The President of India,
  • The Director, 
  • The Financial Adviser and The Joint Secretary in the Ministry or Department of the Government of India dealing with the National Institute of Design,
  • One representative of the Ministry or Department of the Government of India not below the rank of Joint Secretary dealing with Higher Education, and one representative of the Ministry or Department of India not below the rank of Joint secretary dealing with Information Technology, both of whom would be nominated by the secretary of that Ministry or Department, 
  • One representative from the State where the campus is located, to be nominated by that State Government;
  • Five professionals, one each from the fields of architecture, engineering, fine arts, mass media and technology, who would be nominated by the Central Government, 
  • An exceptional Designer, to be nominated by the Visitor after consulting with the Central Government,
  • A management expert, nominated by the Chairperson,
  • A representative of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, nominated by the Central Government, and 
  • Three people to be nominated by the senate, recommended by companies, firms or individuals who have provided financial assistance and contribution to the Institute. 

  1. Senate: The senate shall be responsible for maintaining the standards of education and examination in the Institute. It is the duty of the senate to ensure that the decisions taken by the Governing council are implemented. The senate would be comprised of:
  • The Director, who shall also be the Chairman of the Senate;
  • Dean of each Institutional campus,
  • Senior Professors of the Institute and the Institute campuses;
  • Three people, one from the field of science, engineering and humanities, should be women. These persons shall not be employees of the Institute and would be nominated by the Chairperson after consulting with the Director, and
  • One alumnus of the Institute, nominated by the Chairperson after consulting with the Director.

  1. Funds of the Institute: The Institute shall maintain a Fund which shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the institute. All the money credited to the funds shall be deposited in banks or invested in such manner as decided by the Institute. The funds shall be comprised of ––
  • The Money provided by the Central Government;
  • Fees and other charges received by the Institute;
  • Money received by the Institute through grants, gifts, donations, benefactions, or transfers,
  • Money received by the Institute from any other source.

  1. Accounts and audit: The Institute shall maintain accounts and records and prepare an annual statement. The Institute’s accounts shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor- General of India, and he shall have the right to demand the books, accounts or papers of the Institute. The audit report shall thereof be submitted annually to the Central Government, which will then be laid before the House of Parliament. 

  1. Dispute mechanism: Any dispute arising between the Institute and any of its employees would be referred to an Arbitration Tribunal, consisting of one member appointed by the institute, one member nominated by the employee and an umpire nominated by the Visitor. The decision of the Arbitral Tribunal would be final. 


Establishment of new Design Institutes in different parts of the country will help produce highly skilled and quality professionals in design which will create job opportunities, both direct and indirect, by providing standardised education in the field of design. It would also benefit those students interested in making a career in designing, by providing them with high class education and training. 


The establishment of the national institutes of design was due to various forces, both locally and globally. The Government of India set up the National Institute of Design in 1961, as a national institution for research, service and training in design. Today the National Institute of Design is recognised worldwide as one of the finest educational and research institutions for Design. It has been declared an Institution of National Importance by the Act of Parliament, owing to The National Institute of Design Act, 2014.