Skill India mission or the National Skills Development Mission is an initiative of the Government of India which was launched by our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on July.15th.2015 on the occasion of world youth skill day to empower the youth of the country with those skills which would make them more employable and also make them more productive and efficient for the work environment. Skill India mission policy is done to train around 40 crore people in India with different skills and empowered workforce by 2022. It also aims at vocational training and certification for the Indian youth for a better livelihood and respect in the present society. Initially, there were seven submissions proposed to act as building blocks for accomplishing overall objectives of the mission, and those seven-sub missions are Institutional Training, Infrastructure, Convergence, Trainers, Overseas Employment, Sustainable Livelihoods, and Leveraging Public Infrastructure. Skill India programme is an innovative initiative by the government towards the development of the country.

Skill India is not just a programme, but it is a movement. Here youths who are unemployed, college and schools' dropouts, and also few educated ones, from rural and urban areas, all will be given additional values.

There were several series of steps taken during the campaign such as National Skill Development Mission, National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), Skill Loan scheme, Rural India Skill.

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana is deemed as a flagship programme for skill India mission. The main objective there was to secure a better livelihood by training the youth. Under this scheme, the trainees will be provided with financial reward and a certification by the Government on the successful completion of the training period, which will help those trainees in securing a job for a better future.

By this programme of skill India, several benefits are availed to the trainees after the completion of the programme such as with proper and adequate knowledge and skill development they can secure employment in numerous sectors hence they can access a better standard of living by securing better-paying jobs and also with the trained Indians entering the diverse workforce can find better results and also boost the country's economic growth. Trained candidates can also find skill India jobs and use it as a platform to boost their morale and gain confidence.


National skill Development Corporation was set up as a part of national skill development to fulfil the growing need for skilled workforce across different sectors and also those narrow existing gaps between the demand and the supply of required skills in India. And also, is a need to address the challenge of imparting the skills required for a growing economy. It is also said that the main mission of this policy is to upgrade skills to that of international standards through the involvement of the industries and to develop the required frameworks for standards to be implied as a part of curriculum and quality assurance. By bringing the financing, particularly in sectors where we feel that there are ineffective mechanisms, the role of "market-maker" will be played.

The main emphasis is to develop skill in the youth in such a way so that they are employed and also become entrepreneurs. It also provides required training, support and guidance for all occupations around the country. The training standards are met to that of international levels so that those skills developed by our country youths are put to the unlimited usage in several other abroad countries such as US, Japan, Russia etc. this programme also would create a hallmark called 'Rural India skill', to standardise and to provide a certification for the process of training.


Even though the skill training in the country has improved in recent years, the absence of job linkage is a big threat to employment resulting in unemployment. Skill development begins with finding upcoming job prospects and classifying it accordingly based on the need and usefulness of training candidates. In India the main aim is to have the strongest economic growth in the 21st century, we need to make sure in this growing workforce and with so many interruptions to find one suitable job which we are capable of handling. And to fix this issue of unemployment of those unskilled workers required skilling initiatives should be taken today rather than putting it forward to tomorrow and Skill India mission is one such innovative initiative taken by the government to eradicate unemployment in the society. For this, we always have to think broader and work on different technologies etc.