Section 2 of Dissolution of the Muslim marriage act 1939

Nearly every religion accepts marriage as a sacred union between man and woman which cannot or should never be violated by any force on earth, and this concept is no different from Islam. In fact, happy family can only be achieved if the bond between the husband and the wife is strong and resilient, is also believed.

A woman married under Muslim law can dissolve her marriage on any one ground stated in section 2. A woman can obtain a decree for her dissolution of marriage if her husbands' whereabouts have been not known about for 4 years or has failed to provide her maintenance for 2 years or has been sentenced to imprisonment for 7 years or upward or has failed to perform his marital obligations for 3 years or was impotent at the time of marriage and continues to be so or has been insane or is suffering for a virulent venereal disease for 2 years. If the woman having been given in marriage by her father or another guardian before 15 years of her age and now, she rejects to accept the marriage before attaining 18 years, then also she can dissolve her marriage provided that the marriage is not consummated. If the husband treats her with cruelty,assaults her, leads an infamous life and force her too, or prevents her from performing her legal rights or has more wives but does not treat her equitable then also she can seek for the dissolution of her marriage.

This law is a law that is only stated in papers and said the light of the day as it highlighted only a few aspects of Muslim Personal Law. This Act is a very brief legislation which only highlights a few divorce grounds for women to begin proceedings in.