On 1st July 2019 with the official notification by human resource development UGC has approved the new scheme known as STRIDE (Scheme For Trans-disciplinary Research For India's developing economy). This scheme will help the students or the faculties of different Universities to strengthen and make innovation in the field of research which will help in the development of the country's economy. It will also boost quality research. This scheme will also help in building a search capacity by strengthening and research culture and research projects which are nationally and globally important. STRIDE support innovation creation and development of new ideas for the benefit of the public and the development of the country. The scheme will help in enhancing quality and excellence in research, which will help in the improvement of global Ranking of Indian Educational Institution. The MHRD announced that various schemes like a SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration) IMPRINT (Impacting Research Innovation and Technology), STARS (Scheme for Transformation and Advanced Research in Fundamental Science). The potential knowledge and resources will contribute to India's developing economy.


The central theme of the policy is to find the young talent of all over the country and to strengthen the research culture, to build up research capacity to support innovation creation and development and research field and support trans-disciplinary research for the development of nation and economy. STRIDE also funds many multi-institutional networks of research projects in the field of human science and humanities


Involvement of young talent: STRIDE identifies young talents that are graduate, postgraduate student population. Different students are admitted into higher levels of institutions coming from different social backgrounds. These students are encouraged to conduct a study on the social, economic problem. This will help them find suitable solutions for the economy.

Students (UG& PG): The students of UG and PG are encouraged to investigate social, economic issues. Students can work on any issue like local, regional or national. The students from the investigation learn various things.

Young faculty: Faculties are encouraged for the research in emerging thrust topics

There are three components in a stride.

  • Research capacity building and human resource development which focuses on colleges and universities. It will be for a duration of three years.
  • Trans-disciplinary research and inclusive innovation for national development its duration is three years, and it will focus on problem-solving skills with the help of innovation on a local, regional and national level.
  • High impact trans-disciplinary research in humanities and human science


This scheme will support research projects which are socially relevant, need-based nationally and globally important. Stride will provide research build capacity. This scheme will support transformational research which focuses on human development. It will provide support to development, creation, concepts, new ideas, practices of public goods and strengthening civil society. The scheme will strengthen innovation and research culture in universities. It will help the students and faculty by contributing to India's developing economy.


The components of the scheme STRIDE (Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India's Developing Economy) will help in strengthening research culture in colleges and universities. It will provide opportunities to be a linkage between the University government community and industry for the development of a nation that will give a major impact on research in humanities and human science.