The Khelo India Programme was launched in the year 2018 by the then Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore at Youth Indian Parliament in Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi. The brand ambassador of Khelo India Programme is Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. It is a scheme for the improvement of sports in India. Sports are really important for the development of our country. In the last few years, India has shown tremendous progress in the field of sports. This progress needs to be shown on a global platform. For this young talent should be inspired, infrastructure and training should go to the highest level. They need to show the great spirit of participation in sports which showcase their talent and potential only when India will develop in the field of sports. For this Khelo India Programme has been launched for the development of sports culture in India and to establish India as a great sporting nation. It aims at mainstreaming sports for national, economic, community and individual development. Khelo India school had become the part of the Khelo India Programme which held from 31st January to 8th February 2018 with 17 athletes in 16 different sports like archery, athletics, badminton, basketball, boxing, football, gymnastics, judo, hockey, kabaddi kho-kho, wrestling, shooting, swimming, volleyball, weightlifting etc.


The central theme of the scheme is to promote the culture of the sports and excellence in sports and to identify young and talented athletes from the country and nurture their talent by providing good guidance and infrastructure facilities.

It has mainly three objectives

1- To organize annual sports competitions and huge participation of the young talent.

2- To provide guidance and good infrastructure facilities to them

3-Creating sports infrastructure at various levels

Other objectives of this scheme are:-

1- It will be an India sports scholarship scheme which will cover almost thousand talented athletes across the country every year.

2- The athletes who will be selected with a scholarship of rupees 5 lakh for eight years.

3- It will be a first-ever place for creating a long-term development path for athletes.

4- To ensure that sportsman will continue their studies with sports the program will identify 20 universities as the centre for sporting distinction

5- For the promotion of sports the latest technology will be used

6- To ensure that maximum entries will be there in the sports competition the program will courage and courage schools and colleges to organize sports event at high levels


For fulfilling the above objectives, the Khelo India Programme has been categorized into 12 parts:

  • Sports for women
  • Community coaching development
  • Annual sports competition
  • Sports for peace and development
  • Promotion for rural games
  • State-level Khelo India Centre
  • Promotion of sports among disabled persons
  • Talent search and development
  • Playfield development utilization and creation of sports infrastructure
  • Support to national /regional/ state sports academics
  • Physical education for school children

New schemes and merger of earlier schemes

Before three different schemes carried the Khelo India Programme sports development

Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan: - It encourages sports in rural areas by conducting various sports competition

Urban infrastructure scheme: - It encourages and develops infrastructure in urban areas

National sports talent search: - It identifies young sports talent

These schemes got merged into one Central scheme that is Khelo India Programme in the year 2016-17. The Programme runs under the supervision of union ministry of youth and sports.


The benefits of this scheme are that the level of the game will be elevated. Talented players will get their identification, and they will get a scholarship of rupees 5 lakh for eight years. Under this Programme, around 20 million children of age between 10 to 18 years will be included in the national physical fitness campaign. This program will also focus on the physical fitness of the children.


This Programme is to identify the young talented athletes of our country and to provide proper guidance and training to them for the development of our country and encourage their participation through various sports competitions. This Programme will develop the sports culture in India and will establish India as a great sporting nation. To achieve this with the government public has to take the initiative by participating in various competitions and showcase their talent. Government has also contracted with various schools and colleges to conduct sports events at a higher level.