Inspection means to examine. Inspection of judicial records takes place to scrutinize the documents which are in the ownership of the opposition.


It is a document required to inspect the judicial records in the court. According to the Part-C of the Inspection of Judicial records, there are several rules which are to be followed to inspect the court file. (High Court Chandigarh, n.d.)


In case, the file of the decided case needs to be inspected; it shall be available for the public to which no court fees shall be applicable. But inspection can only be permitted after the Deputy Registrar passes the order.

To maintain transparency in the process, the charge of courts shall be with the District Judge in case of his court, Deputy Commissioner in the case of all the District Courts and, Judge of a court of small causes.


In case, the file of a pending case needs to be inspected, the parties/their pleaders/agents can inspect it, which is subjected to the general control of the Judge of that court. It is forbidden by law for the petition writers to inspect the judicial records and legal practitioners’ clerks may only inspect the files in the presence of the legal practitioner they are working under.


Court fees in the case of inspection of judicial records are submitted in the form of court stamps. Court fees are glued at the head of the inspection application. The inspection fee for one day is Rs. 2 for ordinary cases and Rs. 3 for urgent cases. Urgent cases include those cases whose inspection is to be done on the same date as hearing date.

When any person wants to continue the inspection of the same case on the following day, he may express his intent to the official in-charge and then no new application will be needed to file.