Displaced Persons (Claims) Supplementary Act, 1954

Displaced persons who come under the category of forced migration are among the world’s most vulnerable people. Migrants are reporting natural disasters, social or political problems and displacement by a development project. Forced migration may lead to the process of limited freedom, and very few resources have accompanied persecution as well as war throughout human history, and has now become a topic of serious study and discussion relatively. Displacement can be categorized into three types according to their causal factors. They are conflict-induced displacement, development induced displacement and disaster-induced displacement. Conflict induced displacement occurred when people were forced to flee from their homeland as a result of armed conflict, generalized violence and persecution on the grounds of nationality, race and religion.

In this act, a settlement officer shall have jurisdiction to decide such claims, be transferred to him by the chief settlement commissioner. He shall hold inquiry information into the claims transferred and take such evidence and examine such documents. The officer can summon and enforce the attendance of any person, can find any documents, can issue a commission for examination of the witness. 

The origin from which the state authorities are unable or not willing to protect them because they might have been specifically prohibited to return or home has been destroyed or have been engaged by someone else. They also may face the risk of mandatory return to an unsafe area. The primary responsibility of protecting the displaced person within their country rests with the national authorities of the country. Yet it is sometimes, the very government's responsible for protecting and assisting their internally displaced population that are unable or even unwilling to do so. 

In situations of armed conflict, all parties to the conflict, both state and non-state actors have a responsibility to respect and ensure respect for International Humanitarian Law by providing protection and support to the civilian population. International Law sets out the rights of every individual and the responsibilities of states and other authorities to ensure the protection of rights. It is essential in carrying out protection activities at the national and international level. Displaced persons are entitled to enjoy equally and without discrimination, the same rights and freedoms under international and national law as do other persons in their country. The three bodies of law consisting of international human rights law, International Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law is providing a comprehensive legal framework for protection in all situations of internal displacement, including during armed conflict.  It guarantees the human rights and obliged states to respect protect and fulfil the human rights of all person without discrimination of any kinds.