Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

A Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is a branch of the State Police Services of India responsible for the investigation of crime, based on the Criminal Investigation Departments of British police forces.


The main CID was formed by the British Government in 1902, in light of the suggestions of the Police Commission. At the passage of the CID office at Gokhale Marg, Lucknow, there is a picture of Rai Bahadur Pandit Shambhu Nath, King's Police Medalist (KPM) and Member of part into Special Branch, CID and the Crime Branch (CB-CID).


A CID may have several branches from state to state. These branches include:[3] 

  • CB-CID
  • Anti-Human Trafficking & Missing Persons Cell
  • Anti-Narcotics Cell
  • Finger Print Bureau
  • CID
  • Anti-Terrorism squad


CB-CID is a unique wing in a CID headed by the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) and helped by the Inspector General of Police (IGP). This branch explores genuine violations including murder, revolt, fraud, forging and cases depended to CB-CID by the state government or the High Court


Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is a crime recognition office that goes under the Government of India. A CID official explores the particular cases that are endowed by the legislature. To pick a profession as a CID official, one must be an issue solver with solid relational aptitudes and have all around created thinking and basic deduction abilities to understand matters relating to crimes, examination, arraignment and assortment of criminal knowledge. 

The activity of CID officials incorporates examination of major and confused wrongdoings like assault, murder, genuine attack, mutual mobs, and fakes. They perform insightful obligations, for example, gathering realities and gathering proof for criminal cases and misrepresentation, keeping detailed reports of the analytical procedure, going to post-mortem examinations, trading data and planning exercises with different offices and guarantee that the examination procedure is finished in a far reaching and careful way, investigating every possibility.

Eligibility to become Crime Investigation Department (CID) Officer

There are many posts available for candidates in the CID. To become a CID officer one should require to have at least two years experience as a uniformed officer. After that, you can apply for the transfer to CID office post where you will be trained.

Types of Job roles under CID

To be in this calling, one can coordinate his/her specific advantages up with various government law implementation organizations. For CID officials there are an assortment of occupation profiles that one can focus based on their advantage territories. A portion of the activity profiles that can be selected are recorded beneath: 

Fraud Investigator: He/she explores extortion by getting proclamations of certainty, affidavits or admissions from complainants, businesses and witnesses. An extortion examiner additionally explores records and get, investigate, and assess evidentiary information and supervise the turn of events and execution of misrepresentation counteraction, location and goal systems. 

Police Officer: Police officials react to occurrences and grievances, archive cooperations, and gather proof. They capture criminals and suspects, gather proof, and affirm about cases and dissuade crime just as screen any danger to open security. 

Investigative Officer: The activity of analytical officials is to direct requests to find who carried out wrongdoings and to accumulate proof to indict and convict suspects. They compose reports dependent on the discoveries and are frequently called upon to show up in court to clarify the consequences of their examinations. 

Criminologists: They direct examination, create speculations, explore wrongdoing scenes, and form reports. They utilize their systematic foundations to help law authorization in distinguishing and understanding criminal conduct. 

Paralegal: Paralegal researches realities and laws of cases to decide reasons for activity and to get ready cases. More often than not, paralegals work for law workplaces, companies' legitimate divisions or courts. They likewise help legal advisors in recording materials, for example, movements, memoranda and pleadings. 

Narcotics Officer: An Narcotics official has practical experience in forestalling illicit medication use and dissemination. Opiates officials additionally may compose reports and investigate proof for cases. They additionally scatter data concerning drug anticipation inside the network.