Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is an Indian legislative body set up in 1964 to address administrative debasement. In 2003, the Parliament authorized a law granting legal status to the CVC. It has the status of an independent body, liberated from control of any official power, responsible of checking all movement under the Government of India, exhorting different experts in focal Government associations in arranging, executing, assessing and changing their work.

It was set up by the Government of India Resolution on 11 February 1964,with the proposals of the Committee on Prevention of Corruption, headed by ShriK. Santhanam Committee, to exhort and manage Central Government offices in the field of vigilance. Nittoor Srinivasa Rau, was chosen as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner of India.

The Annual Report of the CVC gives the subtleties of the work done by it and additionally draws out the framework of disappointments which prompts defilement in different Departments/Organizations, framework enhancements, different preventive measures and cases in which the Commission's exhorts were disregarded.

The Commission comprises of:

· A Central Vigilance Commissioner -Chairperson

· Not more than two Vigilance Commissioners –Members


The CVC isn't a research office; the main examination completed by the CVC is that of checking the civil works of the Government.

Defilement examinations against government authorities can continue simply after the administration licenses. The CVC distributes a rundown of situations where consents are pending, some of which might be over an year old.

The Ordinance of 1998 presented legal status to the CVC to practice administration over working of the Delhi Special Police Establishment, and furthermore to audit the advancement of the examinations relating to supposed offenses under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 led by them. In 1998 the Government presented the CVC Bill in the Lok Sabha so as to supplant the Ordinance, however it was not effective. The Bill was re-presented in 1999 and stayed with the Parliament until September 2003, when it turned into an Act subsequent to being properly passed in both the Houses of Parliament. The CVC has additionally been distributing a rundown of degenerate government authorities against which it has suggested reformatory action. In 2004, the Government approved the CVC as the "Assigned Agency" to get composed grumblings for revelation on any claim of debasement or abuse of office and suggest suitable activity. This report is conveyed to the President.


The Central Vigilance Commissioner and the Vigilance Commissioners are designated by the President on the suggestion of a Committee comprising of the Prime Minister (Chairperson), the Minister of Home Affairs (Member) and the Leader of the Opposition in the House of the People.


· CVC is just a warning body. Focal Government Departments are allowed to either acknowledge or dismiss CVC's recommendation in debasement cases.


· CVC doesn't have sufficient assets. It is a little set up with an endorsed staff quality of 299.Whereas, it should check debasement in excess of 1500 focal government offices and ministries.


· CVC can't immediate CBI to start requests against any official of the degree of Joint Secretary or more all alone. Such an authorization must be acquired from the concerned office.


· CVC doesn't have forces to enlist criminal cases. It manages watchfulness or disciplinary cases.


·  CVC has administrative controls over the CBI. Be that as it may, CVC doesn't have the ability to acquire any document from the CBI or to coordinate CBI to examine any case in a specific way. CBI is under regulatory control of Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), which implies that, the forces to name, move,suspend CBI officials lie with DoPT.


· Appointments to the CVC are in a roundabout way heavily influenced by Govt of India, however the inclusion of the Leader of Opposition (in Lok Sabha) as an individual from the Committee to choose CVC and VCs is a welcome step. In any case, the Committee considers up-and-comers set up before it. These competitors are chosen by the Government.


· Subsequently,in spite of the fact that CVC is moderately autonomous in its working, it has neither assets nor forces to ask and make a move on objections of debasement that may go about as a viable prevention against defilement