The key to success across the world/globe is the innovation in the 21st century. If we define the term innovation in the simple words are- converting your thinking/ideas in the finished products or services with an effective and efficient manner called innovation. Without taking any kind of doubt on that, we easily said that innovation is about only taking innovation to market place by converting the scientific knowledge about all those products and services which you give for economic growth and the social development of our country. Even our honourable Prime Minister also declared decade 2010- 2020 as a "decade of innovation" only to unleash for the benefit and more creative nature of the youngsters towards the society. India has already been improving in the state of innovation, making 86th place to 57th place this year.

Atal Ranking of Institution on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) is an initiative which was taken by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD). In that government of India, systematically they will ring all over India, and topmost education institutions and universities which promote/indicate or related to" innovation and entrepreneurship development" among the students or the faculties of any of that institution for the universities.

The ARIIA made for farmers' help. Our Vice President, Mr M. Venkaiah Naidu, asked the researchers to come up with their good innovations for helping them.

ARIIA generally focuses on pioneering all the ideas to measure the real impact, which was done with those innovations from both national as well as international levels. All that ranks which were given to all the Indian institutions are only to encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and high-quality research.

The objectives of ARIIA is that setting the way or we can say that set down the directions for HEI's towards a new or a strong start-up ecosystem in the economy in the university/institution campus or that region. It will be done by measuring the innovation and the start-up ecosystem, which were based on input, process, output and the outcoming based parameters. They were focusing on both the aspects of that ecosystem which was available at the institutions/universities here aspects are set quality and the quantity. It will also measure all those impacts which were created by the help of these innovations and start-ups from the HEI's currently present in the society and also said in the market. So the main aim of them is to push the rank / India's position, or we can say that uplift the rank of India in the global innovation India from 52 to the top 30 positions in an upcoming period of 5 years.

ARIIA ranking will certainly from time to time inspire all the Indian institutions and give the new way of thinking, or their mindset and build the ecosystem on encouraging the high quality of research, innovations and entrepreneurship.

Moreover, ARIIA will set the great standards/tone and give direction for the institutions for future development for making all the institutions globally competitive and take all of them at the forefront of innovation.

ARIIA will primarily focus on 16 parameters which they will provide and only based on that judge any institution.

  • Progress and activity on IPR, innovation, start-up entrepreneurship
  • Annual budget spent on promoting and supporting I&E activities
  • Pre-incubation and incubation infrastructure and facilities to support I&E.
  • Innovation courses, IPR & entrepreneurship development.
  • Intellectual property (IP), technology transfer and commercialization
  • Successful innovation and start-ups and funding innovation and start-ups.


The methods which were designed to calculate ARIIA matrix work are considered as the all major parameters or we can say that indicators which are globally used to rank the educational institutions for the creative output.

And also, ARIIA majors some of the parameters of the current Indian scenario and the status of higher education in India.

  • The ARIIA parameters are broadly in measure with seven indicators which were further elaborated into suitable subheads
  • The overall score can take a maximum value of 100.
  • The institution will be rank order based on their scores


ARIIA is a policy which came into existence by Vice-President of India for the better and innovative ideas came from youth for the development of the ecosystem, and with the help of that we can also develop the innovative product, services and entrepreneurship.