Atal bhujal yojana or we can say that Atal, Jal it is a scheme which was launched by our current Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi on the 95th birthday anniversary of former Prime Minister Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee on 25th December 2019 ( approx eight months ago). The main purpose of this project/scheme is to improve the groundwater level of management in 7 states of our country.

In 2018 the World Bank board approved that scheme/project of India and it will be ready to give funds by the World Bank. The scheme was launched under the project of Jal Jeevan on 25th December 2019.

They firstly give priority to those 7 States whose groundwater level has declined (Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh). They help them through community participation and it will give the impact on approx 78 districts and 8350 Gram Panchayats. The duration of that scheme will be approx 2020-2025. The Union Cabinet gave its approval on Tuesday for the implementation of Atal Bhujal Yojana with a total outlay of rupees 6000 crores. The main aim or we can say that the purpose of that scheme is to contribute towards the goal of the farmers and tried to double the income of farmers, by promoting participatory groundwater management, by improving the cropping pattern and try to promote efficient use of groundwater resource and try to take down the behavioural change at the very large level/community level. That scheme has two major components on which date right to work. One is institutional strengthening and groundwater management resources in those particular areas by improving capacity building, monitoring the network and other many ways are there.

And another second component of that scheme is that by making down the security plants for the water resource, by adapting demand-side management practices etc.

There are many types of issues which were related to the groundwater level and water security in India:

  • Our country India covers 16% of the whole population in the world, but on account of water resources it will have only 4% of the water which they will use for them
  • According to the central water consumption ( CWC), 1999 billion cubic meters are the estimated water resource potential of the country.
  • Only 1122 are the estimated utilizable resource of this BCM are year - 690 BCM are the surface water per year, and the 432 BCM are the replenishable groundwater per year
  • According to the world development report UNESCO states that India is the largest water extractor of groundwater in the world
  • Approx 21 cities of our country expected to run out of groundwater by 2020 and 54% of groundwater were declined passed over seven years

The impact of that scheme envisages a hostile approach for this community which led to the water security plants. It will also help in overconsumption of water as well as the arresting the rate of decline of groundwater levels of resources it will also help to all those sectors of Gram Panchayat to perform better and play a significant step to achieve the government goal of providing freshwater facility to all the 15 crore peoples in the household in the next upcoming five years.

The government took down the theme for the world water day 2019 is that" leaving none behind" for the 2030 Central to that adoption as the central promise as tabbing the agenda for the sustainable development goals/target of the government.

This scheme Atal Jal helps the government to achieve the SDG (which means to ensure all the persons for the availability and the sustainable management for all up to 2030). it will give the benefit to all those seven States which we will mention above, and it will help all those people who will face the difficulties to tap the water or reach the drinking or pure water for them and their families.


Suppose we want to conclude that in short so we can say that our government launched a scheme which will help all those States whose underground label tends to diminish so with the help of the World Bank common to the funds from them and started that scheme. The main motto is to double the income of the farmer and also help those persons who reach miles and miles only for taking good drinking water and to those farmers for tailors who are dependent on the rain only. With the help of that scheme, the groundwater level resource came up, and it should be easy for all those seven States.