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Indian Law Society’s Law College’s Conference on Politico-Legal Dimensions of Climate Change

The Professor S P Sathe 16th International Conference On Politico-legal Dimensions Of Climate Change: Past, Present, And Future is organised from April 8-9, 2022.

Climate change has emerged over the last few decades as the ‘defining human development challenge of 21st Century’.

The legal journey of balancing the responsibility for climate change is one fraught with many hurdles. The diversity between the climate change contributors and the climate change vulnerables and their conflicting interests have delayed the global response to climate change, taking us to the brink of disaster.

Through this conference, we take the opportunity to shed light on this issue and come up with a policy that can be applied to address climate change at the local level and may later serve as a blueprint for different regions and stakeholders.


Students, academicians, lawyers, climate activists, NGOs



Submission Guidelines

  • Format of file – Microsoft word
  • Font – Times New Roman
  • Font Size – 12 (Text), 10 (Footnote)
  • Margins – One-inch margin on all sides
  • Line spacing – 1.5 (Text), Single (Footnote)
  • Citation Style: Bluebook 20th Edition
  • Word Limit: Abstract – 300 words; Full Paper – 4000-5000 words (excluding footnotes).
  • Language – English only.

All submissions must be emailed to

Other Guidelines

  • All submissions must be original and unpublished work of the author/s and should not have been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
  • Co-authorship of entries (maximum two) among individuals from the same or different institutions is allowed. Multiple entries by the same authors are not allowed.
  • Articles will pass through blind peer review and acceptance will be subject to the report of the peer review team. Submissions not meeting the requirements mentioned will not be reviewed.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the rights to accept and reject the submissions at any stage of the review. The decision of the organizers regarding selection of the papers shall be final.
  • Requests for in-absentia presentations shall not be entertained.
  • Submission must be accompanied with short bio of the author/s (It should include name of the author/s, occupation, designation & name of the institution, email id, mobile phone no and contact address, title of the paper). The bio should be in a separate document.
  • The selected papers will be published by the organisers.
  • The copyright for all entries shall vest with the organizers who herewith reserve the right to modify the contributions as per the requirements of necessity.

Every person interested to participate in the conference must register by paying the registration fees. In the case of co-authors (maximum 2), each author would have to register and pay separately.

The registration fee (including GST) is as follows: –

ParticipantWith Paper PresentationWithout Paper presentationILS Students INR  500INR 200Indian Students and Ph.D. Scholars INR 500INR 300Indian Academicians/ Professionals/ Practitioners INR 1000INR 300International Students and Ph.D. Scholars (excluding bank transaction charges)USD 20USD 10International Academicians/ Professionals/ Practitioners (excluding bank transaction charges)USD 25USD 10

Important Dates

  • Last Date of Abstract Submission: 20 February 2022
  • Date of Communication of Acceptance : 25 February 2022
  • Full Paper Submission: 15 March 2022


Student Coordinators:

  • Sneha Kulkarni : +91 8459418031
  • Chirayu Rushiya: +91 8087683438
  • Email:

About the organizer

ILS Law College, or in its full name Indian Law Society’s Law College, is a government-aided law school in Pune, India. It was established in 1924 and offers courses that include three-year and five-year degrees. ILS is located on Law College Road, Pune. The college was aided by The Ford Foundation.


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Indian Law Society’s Law College’s Conference on Politico-Legal Dimensions of Climate Change

Hosted by:
ILS Law College
Registration Fees: