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Call for Blogs

Juris Centre is inviting submissions for its portal by way of a Call for Blogs on any of the themes listed below. The submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.


The following persons are eligible:

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Students pursuing PhD programme
  • Advocates and other professionals
  • Professors and Assistant/Associate Professors


The topics must be related to one of the following categories:

  • Legal, social or political analysis of current affairs
  • Policy review and proposed policies
  • Case comment
  • International relations from Indian point of view

The writers are advised to check the website ( before choosing their topic to avoid repetition as far as possible. Please note: Articles will not be rejected merely on the ground of repetition. The articles must touch upon at least one of the themes mentioned above.


  • Due credit for articles, i.e., publication along with name/designation of author(s).
  • Get recognized for your ideas.
  • Networking opportunities.


  • Co-authorship is limited to a maximum of two authors.
  • All submissions must be in Times New Roman, font size 12 and with 1.5 line spacing.
  • All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx (MS Word) format.
  • Prescribed word count is between 800 to 3000 words. Word limit is NOT strict.
  • The articles must touch upon at least one of the themes mentioned above.
  • Send your submission to
  • Subject of the email should be “Blog Post Submission”.
  • Author’s name, designation and e-mail ID should be mentioned in the email for credits. In
    case of co-authored article, mention details of both authors.
  • All entries will be screened by the editorial board before publication.
  • The entries must be original, unpublished and an outcome of the author’s own efforts.
  • Plagiarism should be limited to industrial standard of 15%.
  • The authors by submitting their entry would be deemed to have divested the copyright to Juris Centre. However, all moral rights shall remain with the author(s).

Note: No fees will be charged at any stage, i.e registration, submission, processing, or publication of the blogs.

Publication Procedure

  • All submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • The authors should send email to with details and attachments mentioned in guidelines. Subject of the email should be “Blog Post Submission”.
  • After submission, we will respond regarding selection or rejection within 48 hours. Upon selection, Juris Centre may ask you to make some changes or correct errors. After your re-submission, the article will be published within 24 hours.

Contact Information

  • E-mail:
  • WhatsApp: +(91) 9667817179

Juris Centre responds to all queries within 24 hours, except on weekends and holidays.

About the organizer

Juris Centre ( is a comprehensive news analysis portal. It is a one-stop destination for lawyers, students and other professionals to read and stay updated. They provide you with razor-sharp articles on legal, social and policy-related issues of national and international importance.


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Call for Blogs

Hosted by:
Juris Centre
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