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CfP: 2-Day National Webinar on Holistic Review of Women Laws

The online platform for the webinar is Google Meet. The organizers are looking forward to receiving research papers from different walks of the academic and socio-legal fraternity.

The papers should be aimed to address the key issues and highlight different views and arguments with respect to the contemporary perspective critically analyzing the existing laws for the welfare of women and suggesting grounds and necessities for further amendments and advancements.

Abstracts are to be communicated primarily conveying the novelty of the idea put forth and also citing the expected outcome of the paper. This has to be followed by the submission of a full paper on acceptance.

Who can Participate?

Any person being part of the socio-legal fraternity can participate and share their views including Academicians, Researchers, Advocates, Social workers, Students etc.


The coherent aim of the webinar is to induce awareness among the participants about the various legislations that are prevalent in India aimed at the welfare of women within the purview of a holistic review.

The paper shall include discussions on any one of the sub-themes mentioned hereby.


  • IPR and Women
  • Violence against women
  • Constitution and Gender equality
  • Women’s Rights at workplace

Guidelines for Submission

  • The abstracts and full papers are to be submitted electronically via email to
  • The abstracts and full papers are to be submitted only in Microsoft Word format
  • Abstract of 250-300 words have to be submitted citing the discussed area and relevance of the topic
  • The abstract must also contain details such as Title of Paper, Name of the Author, Institution/University/Organization, E-mail Address and Contact number.
  • The full paper should range between 2500-3000 words( excluding footnotes)
  • The main text should be Times New Roman, Font Size 12 with single spacing, neatly aligned and justified. Authors should follow Bluebook citation 20th edition for footnotes.
  • Co-authorship is allowed only up to 2 authors.
  • All entries must be original and unpublished work of the authors and should not have been submitted for presentation/publication elsewhere. Any sort of plagiarism will not be entertained.

Perquisites of Attending the Webinar

  • Chance to interact with legal luminaries and garner clear awareness on the subject.
  • Certificate of participation will be provided for registered participants.
  • Certificate of Acknowledgement will be provided for papers selected for presentation.

Important Dates

  • Last date for submission of Abstract: January 28, 2022
  • Intimation of Acceptance: January 30, 2022
  • Last date for submission of Full paper: February 4, 2022

Contact Information

For any related queries, contact

  • Dr. Rakendu C K, Assistant Professor: 9497850014
  • Parvathi. S. Shaji, Assistant Professor (On Contract): 9495118830
  • Neethu S T, Program Coordinator and Research Scholar: 8848379730

About the organizer


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CfP: 2-Day National Webinar on Holistic Review of Women Laws

Feb 8, 2022
Hosted by:
DoL, Kerala University
Registration Fees: