Struggles of Lawyers vis-a-vis the Pandemic

Pandemic has hit the lawyers and it has hit hard. Mention of lawyers gives a very rosy picture of a lawyer coming out of BMW’s or Mercedes

July 30, 2020

Pandemic has hit the lawyers and it has hit hard. Mention of lawyers gives a very rosy picture of a lawyer coming out of BMW’s or Mercedes. But the fraction of these lawyers is very less. Most of the lawyers depend on a Daily waged working which is paid when they litigate. Moreover, corporate sector is also taken a back due huge blockage of funds.

It has been a really difficult job for this stratum to decrease such income disparities.The struggle goes on from the very beginning of the lockdown on 24th march. As from supreme court to lower courts all are taking most-urgent matters and for a lawyer it has become all the more impossible to earn money. For a petition they have to explain the case in one page and then the authorities decide. And this process takes time and then also supreme court is taking only 3-4 cases and the number is more less in lower cases.

This means no leverage in the pending cases moreover, there is only one judge functioning barely taking the cases. The struggle continues when most states have given bail to intermediate cases. This means all alleged heinous crime committers are given bail, which led to huge income loss to the lawyers as it is one of the most important income generators for the session court lawyers.

The impact is also visible on family courts as they seem to be put on halt. Young lawyers who are dependent on the salaries given by government are also struggle because of delayed payments. Except the big guns all the other lawyers receive a distress in summer holidays. so, they cut their expenses to embrace and survive by themselves. This gives a clearer picture how much the are suffering.“The reality of this pandemic is brutality”