Law Community: And So it Begins

Law Community has come a long way, from merely a Vision to of two budding Lawyers to today when this start-up has taken the entire legal fraternity under the garb of its umbrella-like one-stop legal industry.

Team Law Community
September 20, 2021

Law Community has come a long way, from merely a Vision to of two budding Lawyers to today when this start-up has taken the entire legal fraternity under the garb of its umbrella-like one-stop legal industry. When I boarded this train with the two gentlemen, Shivang and Shivansh, even I didn’t have the complete idea as to how vast this organization is. It is only gradually I caught up on the various activities that Law Community has partaken in this field, and it left me amazed how a seed of an idea has germinated into such an innovative venture.

As the name indicates, it is a Community for Legal Professions, but most of the members and guests of the Law Community would think what this Community entails? I assure you of one thing, it is more than what you think. The Website of Law Community has opened the flood-gates of knowledge and opportunities for everyone connected to the legal field. But this is not all – Law Community has provided a platform for every Legal Professional to connect and interact with people in their field of work and expertise. Law Community gives a platform of networking for the law fraternity. Now, forming connections and seeking guidance from someone from your own line of interest is made effortless for you all.


The first thing they said was, “because that is all that comes to our mind – Law Community”! This made me realize that Law Community is not just a commercial start-up, it is a Journey into building a Relationship. Both Shivang and Shivansh, consider Law Community as a way to give back to their Legal Community – to facilitate accessibility to legal expertise and networking to everyone belonging in this field.

The simple goal in mind when they envision Law Community is – Connect and Grow, Together.


Law Community is not only a forum where people contribute to the knowledge-building, but also where they assume a responsibility in playing a part in making this platform their own in every way. Law Community is that point after a long line, where you stop and experience being catered to and accepted as part of the legal fraternity.

The team at Law Community tirelessly works towards the idea of bringing something new to the table and showing that We Care about what our audience is served with. It is a free platform for all of you legal professionals, a place where there is no imprudent question that cannot be answered, and where there is no limitation on building connections with similar minded legal professionals.

Law Community, Opening New Horizons For You!