When one person is at work, his ability to use his time in such a manner where his time has more productivity is also referred to as time management skill. A good time management skill helps one to get more work done in less time, or we can say that it helps us to work more smartly. Good time management helps us to live our life easily and comfortably. And of course, good time management helps one to achieve many things such as increased opportunities for personal growth, helps us get minimum stress, having greater proficiency, and many more.

Team Law Community
September 12, 2020

Time management, in simple words, we can also say that it refers to one's proficiency in how he uses his time efficiently and effectively. Especially when one person is at work, his ability to use his time in such a manner where his time has more productivity is also referred to as time management skill. In between work, how a person plans to divide his time for more productiveness is his time management skill. A good time management skill helps one to get more work done in less time, or we can say that it helps us to work more smartly.

While working too much, one may feel to lose interest and inventiveness and feel distant from everything that ones we enjoyed doing. A small thing like concentrating on a subject may be a difficulty. This makes one more angry and irritated, even in small things. It lets one lose out their temper easily. So the answer to all these problems is to have a good time management skill.

Good time management helps us to live our life easily and comfortably. It helps one to have time for every work of theirs like reading books, spend time with family, or just taking out time for themselves. This helps one to be relaxed and be more productive.

And of course, good time management helps one to achieve many things such as increased opportunities for personal growth, helps us get minimum stress, having greater proficiency, and many more.

But if one does not have proper time management skill, then they face many problems in every work they do. Such as, they work too much but does not get that work efficiency, the quality of their work is dull, have more stress, and have a low professional reputation.

Some of the simplest time management skills that one can follow are:-

  • Planning of work beforehand
  • Know how to multitask
  • Reducing unnecessary workload
  • Focusing on one work at a time

Some of the rules that help in effective yet productive time management are:-

  1. Mounting of one's goals correctly – One must always set goals that they want to achieve. For achieving such goals, one must always act smartly and use their time effectively. As it is said that setting of goals should always be in the SMART method, i.e., S – Specific, M – Measurable, A – Attainable, R – Relevant, T – Timely.
  2. Dividing of works smartly – One should always divide their works smartly. They should always know the works that are more important and do them accordingly. While looking at one's daily schedule, one must always determine some of the necessary things, such as, the works which are of importance and urgency, the works which are important but nor urgent, the works which are urgent but not important and the works which are not urgent but important.
  3. One should always set a time limit to complete his duty – Setting of time helps one to be more effective and focused. The setting of times helps us to know how much time we require to complete one task hence making time effective and getting more productivity out of it. That way, one can make plans to deal with other tasks.
  4. One must stay organized – To make the time more effective, one can always write down the schedule of oneself and the time set for completing one task. One should always utilize the use of a calendar for more long term management. Picking of days which is best suited to do one task can also help in good time management.
  5. One must always remove unnecessary workload – every one of us needs to remove unnecessary workload, which does not help us in any way; rather, it kills our time. One must always sort out the things which are of more importance and urgency. Removing unnecessary tasks help one to get more time for the important works.
  6. And last but not least, one must always plan – One must always make sure to start the day with a clear schedule of how and when to do certain works. And also, one must practise this habit regularly for more effectiveness. That way, one can have a smooth workload and less stress.


By practising the above-mentioned rules regularly, one can be a master in time management skill which will eventually help them to have more family time and personal space. As in the current situation, most people take time management programs to increase the number of things one can do on a daily basis. However, the main objective to learn and practice time management skill is not to increase speed in work but to improve the general quality of one's life. Therefore, one must always practice a good time management skill for more efficiency and productivity in one's life.