Affiliate marketing is a process of referring or recommending others to buy a product of a particular company in returns of commission. Affiliate marketing requires affiliates who can help them to sell their products online to grow business. An example of an affiliate is promoting a specific beauty product on Instagram.

Team Law Community
September 12, 2020

Affiliate marketing is a process of referring or recommending others to buy a product of a particular company in returns of commission. It is one of the easiest and finest online business where people engage day to day to earn a little income.  Affiliate marketing requires affiliates who can help them to sell their products online to grow business.  An example of an affiliate is promoting a specific beauty product on Instagram. 

Affiliate provide a link of the specific product. As soon as the customer clicks on the link, the tracking system works in the background and once customer purchase that product, the affiliate, the merchant and the network all make money. An affiliate can earn up to 10-20% of the MRP, and this percentage may go up if multiple purchases are made through his referral link. This is a great way to earn income just by sitting at home.

Now you must be wondering how to start and succeed in this field.

  1. Sign up: The very first step is to sign up for the affiliate program, which is available on almost every big e-commerce and online stores such as Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, Snapdeal and so on. Once you sign up, you get a tailored link of your username pertaining the specific product you choose to sell.

  1. Choose a profitable industry and product: The next step is to choose a sector which is in trend such as Amazon. Furthermore, you have to select a product to promote, which will profit you based on your personal preference or brand value. Moreover, select a product based on your niche. For example, if electronics is your industry, then laptops could be your niche. The way you think and describe the product plays a vital role in pushing customers to click on the link and make a purchase. 


Well, now the question which arises is whether affiliate marketing is legal or not. The answer to this question is NO; affiliate marketing is not illegal. The business of online affiliate market exists for more than 15 years now, and it has its legal recognition. But that doesn't mean that the way you do is also legal. There is a lawful procedure to carry out this business. The more precise, transparent you are, the better chances you have to succeed. 

If you are selling a product and receiving compensation in returns, then you have to disclose this fact to the customers, according to FTC (Federal Trade Commission). It means that you have to mention the visitors that you will be getting a commission by their clicking on the link and making a purchase. FTC can fine both the affiliate and the merchant for its violation. So, it is better to communicate well with the affiliate before they promote the product.

How to meet the guidelines by FTC?

  1. Disclose the information of affiliation clearly, easy to understand and in a readable manner before they make any purchase decision. 
  2. You can simply add statements like “this post contains affiliation link, click here to the full disclosure”. 
  3. If you are promoting in a video, then make a verbal disclosure. 


If you are interested in affiliate marketing, then you must be an active online participant. To become successful, you have to train yourself daily and invest time on it. It requires long-term planning and persistent. After all, money does not grow overnight. Moreover, keeping yourself updated with the internet trend is vital to growing in online marketing