COVID Files: Hashtag Pandemic

Pandemic is Trending

Team Law Community
June 18, 2020

In this time of extremity, everyone has just one thought on their mind “how Pandemic is affecting our lives?”. Not only people at their homes are busy talking about it, but also news channels all over the world are engaged in discussing the same. Whenever we open Television, Newspaper or Magazine COVID-19 is trending everywhere. Even, the legal media is concerned about the chronic matter. 

The Union Government had taken some measures as a response to the Pandemic situation:-

  • In January, it invoked its powers under the Disaster Management Act 2005 to improve the preparedness and containment of COVID-19 in hospitals. Notifying the pandemic as a disaster made it possible for states to use funds from the COVID-19 State Disaster Response Fund.
  • In March, the Ministry of Health advised states to invoke the provisions of Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
  • As a signatory to the International Health Regulations, 2005 (IHR), India needs to establish an effective public health response to the international spread of diseases. This is achieved by the Integrated Outbreak Surveillance Service (ISPS).


The media is so engaged in gabbing about the pandemic that it has stopped conveying many other things happening in the nation. Issues like McMahon line, rape and mob lynching that happened during lockdown or discussions about the economy are not given much attention. Headlines like, “5.5 lakh Coronavirus cases expected in Delhi by July 31.” are all over the print media.

What I think is covid-19 is grabbing too much attention, due to which all the significant issues are let gone. Like patients with other diseases are not duly taken care. it seems like all they care is about the pandemic nothing else.Which is a topic to worry about, we got to deal this disease with equal importance that is given to other diseases.

As every life is equally important, so they should be treated in that manner only.I heard news a patient was unable to get dialysis as the hospital authorities asked him to get covid test first, it sounds very helpless on patient’s part.It was his right to get dialysis but he was denied for the same.    


The Indian response to Covid-19 has been fragmented. Multiple laws, rules,services, administrative bodies, as well as national and state-level alerts,participate in the response. Talking about Indian Courts, digitization is observed. Virtual hearing and decision making are one step ahead. This will boost the functioning of the judicial system by technological advancement. 

Though the pandemic is making our nation advanced, but only discussing the pandemic and ignoring all other important matters concerned about national security and economic state of the country is going to take us nowhere. We need to give our kind attention towards incidents such as rape and mob lynching that took place during the lockdown. In fact, being a responsible citizen, we must give our due attention to each and every topic concerned to our nation.

According to you, is it fair to sacrifice these vital topics and focus on just one?

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