Lawyers who work in publicizing/advertising law are in the background, giving direction through law firms or in-house advice and ensuring that organizations carry on honesty with regards to promoting lawfully and morally. With the development of innovation, there are more approaches to speak with buyers every single day – and that implies increasingly aware advertisements.

Team Law Community
October 11, 2020


Advertising is all over the world. Every single day we see incalculable T.V. plugs, magazine promotions, bulletins, banners, and the sky's the limit from there – all intended to persuade us to get some item. Something numerous individuals don't consider, in any case, is the laws and guidelines that oversee the manners by which organizations might lawfully promote. Lawyers who work in publicizing/advertising law are in the background, giving direction through law firms or in-house advice and ensuring that organizations carry on honesty with regards to promoting lawfully and morally. With the development of innovation, there are more approaches to speak with buyers every single day – and that implies increasingly aware advertisements. The uplifting news is, this likewise implies advertising law keeps on being a developing field. Numerous graduate schools perceive this and offer extraordinary projects identified with shopping or advertising law.


  • Just like other branches of law and legal jobs, a lawyer practising as an advertising specialist should first have completed his/her graduation from a U.G.C. certified university or an open university.
  • He/she should have an L.L.B. degree from a recognized law school or can also pursue an integrated program which is a five-year law course which combines graduation with an L.L.B. degree.
  • Due to the ever-growing technology around us, the field of advertising has spread wider than ever before. It is not subjected to a certain field or a certain medium of transmission.
  • As globalization took place during the late 1900s, India opened its doors to major world corporations, companies and industries. With their arrival, many legal changes had to be made from time-to-time to regulate the laws associated with the companies.
  • The world of advertising evolved from time to time, as well. The judiciary had to make sure that certain rules and ethics are followed in the country when it comes to advertisements through billboards, radio or electronic entertainment media.
  • This is where lawyers who are familiar with this field have to shine. Students who have a keen understanding of advertising ethics can help their companies, corporations, industries, shops, online websites and other employers to play smart and to avoid any legal notices coming their way by following the necessary guidelines issued by the laws in India. 
  • Apart from basic education, students can also pursue additional courses to create a better standing ground for themselves, such as:
  • Intellectual Property 
  • Trademarks 
  • Administrative Law 
  • Antitrust  
  • Internet Law 
  • Corporations 
  • Litigation courses
  • Students pursuing a career in advertising or marketing law should know basic acts such as:
  • Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Act, 2003
  • The Drugs and Cosmetic Act, 1940
  • Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006
  • The Securities and Exchange Board of India Regulations, 2003
  • Cable Television Networks Rules 1994
  • Youthful Persons (Harmful Publications) Act, 1956
  • The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1955
  • Revolting Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986
  • The Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994

The above laws make sure that the advertising done in India is in no way against the welfare of the state or the people.


Advertising Law is a growing field involving the oversight, and enforcement, of advertising regulations in India. Those interested in pursuing a career as an advertising lawyer have many options available, and it is never too early to begin taking the required courses in law school to prepare. As long as advertisements continue to dominate the world around us, advertising lawyers will be in high demand.