Literal Translation

Where there is a right, there is a remedy.


This is a legal maxim, which means that where there is a right, there is a remedy. To get a legal remedy, a person should possess a legal right. Whenever the law gives a right to a person or prohibits an injury, then it also provides a remedy. So to sue in the court of law, one should establish his right and its violation.


B was a reputed officer in elections who wrongfully refused to take the vote of A. There was no loss suffered by A as the candidate whom he wanted to win won in spite of this. Since the right of A was violated, B was liable to pay damages.

Case Law

Bhim Singh v. State of Jammu and Kashmir (AIR 1986 SC 494)

Mithlesh Kumari v. Prem Behari Khare (1989 AIR 1247)

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