Suggestio Falsi

Literal Translation

Statement of falsehood


The legal maxim is of latin origin meaning a statement of falsehood or, in simpler words, a false statement. Suggestio falsi is feeding someone lies intentionally to benefit out of it and put the other person in loss. This act amounts to a fraud when the party was bound to disclose the truth in the first place to keep the fairness of the contract. Suggestio falsi is a ground to rescind an agreement or to avoid carrying it to execution.


A represented the object to B as an object of great deal with good qualities, while the object was defective and useless. Here the sale can be set aside.

Case Law

Union of India v. Malti Sharma, (2006) 9 SCC 262

The Supreme Court held that a person who suppresses material facts from the Court is guilty of suppressio veri and “suggestio falsi”, i.e., suppression or failure to disclose what a party is bound to disclose, which may amount to fraud.