Qui facit per alium facit per se

Literal Translation

The meaning is ‘he who acts through another, acts himself”.


The meaning is ‘he who acts through another, acts himself”. It is the fundamental legal maxim of “Law of Agency”. It is the authorized act of an agent and is equated to the principal's actions. It often describes the liability of an employer for the act of employee in terms of vicarious liability.


"A", the master ordered "D", the servant to complete the unfinished work, but "D" failed to do so. "A" is ultimately held liable as though he failed to do so.

Case Law

1. Deo Narain RaiAnr. Vs. Kulkar Bind and Ors., (1902) ILR 24 All 319.

2. Ballavdas Agarwala  Vs. Shri.J.C. Chakravarty 1960 AIR 576.

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