
Known or Legally Proved Written Statements Significant in the Legal Profession. Law Community published interesting legal facts that from all over the world that would amaze and educate lawyers and law students.

Unco laws of the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a sovereign nation situated off the north-western coast of the European mainland, popularly called as the United Kingdom or Britain. Beating or shaking a mat, a carpet or a rug in the streets of London is illegal. You should beat them the only time before 8 o’clock in the morning. Also, it is a crime to carry a plank on the pavement.

Freakish France Laws

Indeed, we all know that France is the most visited country in the world. It is quite strange that the French law demands that 40 percentage of the private music on the radio must be of French composition. And it is legally allowed to marry the dead in France, only the officials demand evidence of marriage by the couple arranged before one of them actually died.

Very Uncanny of the US Legislature

The United States, the open land, is comprised of fifty states having many peculiar laws. Like it would be very unusual for us to know that in Georgia, no one is allowed to carry an ice- cream cone in their back pockets if it is Sunday! Also, in Kansas, it is illegal if you thump a vending machine that stole your money.

Illegal to disrupt Weddings in South Australia:

Interrupting weddings is an offense: The Summary offences Act of South Australia makes disruption of weddings or funeral or other ceremonies illegal, when you tend to interrupt an ongoing wedding one can even be fined up to $ 10,000 and also be imprisoned for 2 years. This is done to ensure that ceremonies are peacefully completed without any disturbances or discrepancies.

Drinking guidelines for Women in Bolivia:

Not more than one glass! : Drinking is a common habit in Bolivia, but the norms of drinking are quite different form married to unmarried women regarding the same. Married women in Bolivia should not be served more than one glass of wine in bars or restaurants, in order to ensure that she does not flirt with any other man. Apart from this the law also suggests that drinking more than one glass can be a ground for divorce.

Laws against killing a Bigfoot:

A law revolving around a mythical creature: A Bigfoot is an ape like creature that was mostly identified in North American regions, in 1967 after the release of a film regarding the creature its craze increased over two years and people also started keeping weapons. During this time a law was formulated in Washington which considered killing of a Bigfoot as a felony punishable with 5 years imprisonment which was reduced to 1 year. Bigfoot in Skamania is considered endangered species.

Prohibition to Reincarnate in China without permission:

After life government authorization in China: The Chinese evidently believe in after life and also desire to control it; in 2007 the Chinese administration for Religious Affairs declared that reincarnation without permission is not allowed. This law was specifically made so that the Buddhist monks don’t reincarnate elsewhere and also ensures that the government can choose the next Dalai Lama. One has to fill various forms and take government authorization before they can actually reincarnate in China!

Prohibition of Building sand castles in Spain:

Beach regulations in Spain: In Spain there are many regulations that revolve around beaches. Among them prominent one is not allowing building sand castles without authorized permission leading to one being fined to 600-1500 Euros in Arisco and Arona beaches. Apart from this there are many rules such as surfing not being allowed in rough seas, using soap or shampoo, sleeping or camping, littering, or even using load music instruments is prohibited. The individual beaches are regulated by municipalities.

Strict laws against animal cruelty in Rome:

An ideal world for Animal pets: Roman animal laws are strict enough to control all forms of animal harassment and cruelty, In 2005 Rome enacted a legislation making animal laws more stringent. It includes many laws like one should take their dogs for walk every day, keep fishes only in aquarium. Though horse carriages are very famous, Botticelle was restricted in 2019. The most amazing incident followed in Rome; is a woman getting paid-leave to take care of her sick dog.

Illegal to Swear or use impolite gestures in UAE:

Can prohibited swearing or gestures usage land you in jail?: Yes, In UAE and all Arab countries using any form of Vulgar language or swearing or even insults like making rude gestures can get one fined or jailed. Surprisingly using foul language in whatsapp is also considered as offense; recently many tourists have been made liable for the same, in fact sometimes calling someone silly or stupid is also unlawful!

Illegal to be Shirtless in Barcelona:

Clothing laws in Barcelona: Men or women cannot be semi-nude in Barcelona except in beach areas, the law suggests that even a fine of 300-500 Euros can be imposed if the law is breached. Men cannot walk around in the streets without shirts or being bare-chested or even without proper clothing. In case the clothing is not appropriate then visitors are not allowed to Barcelona Cathedral.

Registering of Marriage in North Carolina:

Hotel Register as Marriage Registration: In North Carolina people have to be really cautious while in a hotel, if they supposedly represent themselves or are mistakenly acknowledged as Husband and wife they are considered to be married. One should not pretend or sign the hotel register as couples and if they do so they are forever contemplated as the same. This is dealt under General Statute 14-184 and is considered as class 2 misdemeanour.

Covering Face in Denmark

Burqa Ban or Ban on fake identity in Denmark: A law during 2018 became quite controversial due to it being slightly religion specific; the law prohibits covering face when there is no recognizable purpose. The law imposes a ban in Denmark regarding the Fake beards, face masks, ski masks, burqa, and nakabs but on the other hand does not prohibit protective masks, scarf’s etc. In case of its breach a fine of 1000-10,000 kroner can be imposed apart from an imprisonment of six months.

Prohibition of Fireworks in L.A

Firecrackers Outlaw in L.A California: People in L.A enjoy fireworks during holidays like July 4th but the government has imposed an official ban on them through the fire code in the city as the fireworks are divided into dangerous and safe, while one also has to get a licensee to own some fire crackers which are safe according to the California Health and Safety Code. The code lists the dangerous firecrackers and prohibits the use of same.

Laws revolving Lord Buddha in Sri Lanka

Tattoos and photographs prohibited: Sri Lankan Buddhist laws prohibit all tourists who have tattoos of Buddha from visiting the country and following the same, many British nationals were refused entry. People entering the temple have to follow various rules such as not touching any monk or pointing feet at any statute while walking, but above all one important thing is to not take photographs or pose in front of the Buddha statute as it can land one in trouble!

Drunk Prohibitions in Scotland

Regulations on drinking:An Act of 1993 and 2005 in Scotland completely regulates drinking or consumption of alcohol. These laws include not going to designated public places after consuming alcohol, no delivery of alcohol at night, no sale of unauthorized alcohol and even one can be punished for disorderly conduct or refusal for leaving the premises. So the law completely ensures that one does not disturb the other in an unorderly condition.