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Criminology is a result of inception between Law and Economics. The model can be used to predict how the changes in probability and severity of sanctions can have effect on the commission of crime.
LGBT is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. This movement is intended to emphasize the diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures.
A two-children policy is a restriction, imposed by the Government, of two children allowed in each family. In India, there are many States which have provisions regarding this issue.
Machine intelligence is known as artificial intelligence in contract to the intelligence of humans and animals. AI techniques play a major role in the technology industry, helping to solve challenging problems in computer science etc.
Nepal is the 49th largest country by population in the South Asian Continent. Nepal officially became a federal democratic republic in 2015, through the promulgation of its constitution after years of protests and debates.
In a common language, the term ‘tort’ refers to a civil wrong that further causes some other party to hurt and bear the loss or harm thereby creating a legal liability on the person who had committed such an act.
Nuclear weapons tests are those experiments that are usually performed in order to regulate the efficiency, yield, and volatile capability of those nuclear weapons.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa signed 7 agreements on February 14th, 2020, after detailed high level talks in areas including maritime transport and port development.
On June 3rd 2020, the Union Cabinet approved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between India and Bhutan for cooperation in the areas of the environment.
Considering the pollution level in our environment, it is very important for all of us to eliminate the pollution and the pollutants. To achieve the pollution free nature, solar energy is a very attractive energy resource.
Single-use plastic is basically a plastic that is disposable, which has its usage limited to once and then it has to be thrown away or recycled. These are commonly known as disposable plastics that are either discarded or reused.
The flow of Indians around the world is reversing with negative consequences in terms of greater unemployment, disturbance in the economy, disruption of lives, etc.
Child custody is a term used in family law courts to define legal guardianship of a child under the age of eighteen years. The issue of child custody often becomes a matter for the court to determine during divorce or marriage annulment.
Brutality by men against ladies is a longstanding issue and stays broad. not long ago it was authorized by the law's lack of interest. A short perusing of legal choices over a scope of various lawful issues shows that viciousness is regular
India signed agreement for cooperation in farm sector with 20 international boundaries in last half a decade which has assisted India for getting benefited from the best farm practices adopted elsewhere in the world.
Adultery law in India is defined by the Indian Penal Code Section 497. The adultery law has gone under the scanner of the legal executive a few times before however the courts including the Supreme Court held Section 497 substantial.