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Earth’s environment is the fountainhead of life on this planet, like the other elements of water, soil, fire and space which have helped in sustainability, improvement and development of all living things.
Deep seabed mining is the extension of terrestrial and shallow-water mining activities in the ocean in the quest for natural resources. For this to be accomplished, we require new technologies,
The contagion effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is being strongly felt by industries, businesses, organisations across sectors around the world. Governments across the globe have ordered nation-wide lockdowns,
India has a long history of sea trades within and beyond the oceanic boundaries of the country. It has been stated in various historical records that in ancient times, there were many merchants and traders who used to come to India
The word ‘rape’ has been derived from the Latin term raptus which states, the act by one man of damaging or destroying the property of another man. Here, property primarily referred to wife or daughter of another man.
The Constitution of India, 1905, defines freedom of speech and expression within Article 19(1)(a). Under this article, an individual has the right to convey his thoughts, opinions and concepts publicly.
The environment is the wellspring of life on Earth, like water, air, soil, which has helped in sustainability, improvement and development of all.
The emergence of compensatory jurisprudence is a progressive sign indicating that the judiciary has assumed the duty to protect the right of life and the personal right of all persons,
A few months back data of COVID patients and those under quarantine made its way to the public domain. Karnataka published a list of persons in quarantine. The government of the Mohali district did likewise.
The words obscene and obscenity have not been define clearly in the Indian Penal Code. Section 292 of IPC only states that if any material taken as a whole, is lascivious or appeals to prurient interest and tends to deprave and corrupts the
Article 14 of the Indian constitution declares that ‘the State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India’.
In recent times, one can see the change in the perception and coverage of the term trademarks.
“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately it also might be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.”-- Stephen Hawking
“North East communities are frequently cast as being outside the boundaries of the Indian nation owing to their membership of a segment of the population identified by a racialised physicality.
Sexual harassment has been prevalent in our society for a long time and is not a new development
As a result of the COVID’19 outbreak, the government declared masks and sanitizers as commodities under the ECA (Essential Commodities Act).