That term the “Presumption of innocence” sometimes refers by the Latin words as Ei Incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat(the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies), it should be known as that one principle which considered innocent unless proven guilty. Or can say that the burden of proof is on the person who is proved guilty and we cannot say him guilty unless he should be proved. Up to that he/she is innocent. This type of principle has been seen in those countries where his executorial system is prevalent. In the European countries, the Inquisitorial principle or those principles which were based on the enquiry is not being followed. But contrary to our country India as per the Indian laws, many of the countries take his accused as an offender until he proved guilty. So, our country India having the executorial system, our countries laws are able to accept both of these principles.