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National Webinar on Law and Economics

The cell had invited submissions by way of a call for papers for presentation at the National Webinar on Law & Economics. The Cell is thrilled to acknowledge the overwhelming response we have received from a wide range of scholars who submitted their abstracts to that end.

The webinar on Law and Economics is scheduled to be held on March 6 will be an enthralling and engaging session, beginning with an address by each of our revered keynote speakers, followed by a paper presentation by selected authors, and ending with a Valedictory Ceremony.

Kindly find all the relevant details of the event below, and register yourself by filling out the Google Form. The registration is free of cost, and the student coordinators may be contacted for any queries or concerns at the provided numbers.


The event will be graced by the most esteemed panel of:

Rtn. Mr. Anil Trigunayat, Former Ambassador, IFS (Retd.)

As a career diplomat, Ambassador Anil Trigunayat has served in the Indian Missions in Cote d’ Ivoire; Bangladesh, Mongolia, USA, Russia, Sweden, and Nigeria. He served in Moscow as Deputy Chief of Mission in the rank of Ambassador. He was also India’s Ambassador to Libya, Jordan, and High Commissioner to Malta. He superannuated in 2016.

He is a regular contributor and commentator on foreign and economic policy and education and Inter-faith Dialogue related issues. West Asia, Africa and Russia and Managing India’s interests in conflict zones are his special areas of interest. He is associated with several Think Tanks and Chambers of Commerce. He has published papers in books and periodicals.

He is also member of All India Management Association /DMA, Oxford-Cambridge Society of India; and serves on the Board of Advisers at Peaceful Mind Foundation as well as Confederation of Education Excellence, New Delhi. As a Peace Ambassador, Mr. Trigunayat is closely associated with the Interfaith Dialogue, Peace and Harmony efforts in the Society especially through the Unity Dialogue by ( and World Congress of Religions, Kazakhstan.

Mr. Vivek Sood, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India

Mr. Vivek Sood is amongst the leading Senior Counsels in India with three decades of experience in diverse areas such as Criminal laws, Commercial Disputes, Arbitration, Insolvency, Information Technology, Media laws and Constitutional law. Mr. Vivek Sood is known for arguing the most complex briefs in the High Courts, Tribunals, and the Supreme Court. Amongst the innumerable briefs that he has argued, many have received wide media coverage and are cited as precedents. His excellence is manifested through the quality of his arguments in the Courts.

Apart from being a busy Senior Counsel, he has authored four books and is amongst the leaders of the Indian Bar who is frequently called upon to speak on legal issues of significance. Mr. Sood coined the concept of the Fundamental Right to Internet in his book released in 2011 and the Supreme Court recognized the expression in 2019 while deciding the J&K Internet shutdown case. Mr. Vivek Sood is a multifaceted personality.

Apart from successful law practice, he strongly believes in espousing causes that have a strong social impact, such as, appearing in important Public Interest Litigations as well as assisting the Court as Amicus Curiae in various matters and promoting DNA evidence in the criminal justice system partnering with Ogilvy (India) and Honeywell (USA).


Law & Economics

General Details

  • Date: March 6, 2022 (Sunday)
  • Time: 10 AM onwards
  • Platform: Zoom
  • Registration Fee: Free

How to Register?

Interested persons may register by filling out the registration form through the link given at the end of this post.

Kindly join the Whatsapp Group for the event by using the link at the end of the above form. The event is free and open to all audiences.


E-Certificates will be provided for this webinar to the attendees.

Contact Information

For any queries or concerns, feel free to contact:

  • Ankit: +91 8584932154
  • Email:

About the organizer

Established in 2001, USLLS’s objective was to run Five Year Integrated Professional Law Courses and to serve as an institution of advanced legal studies. It was the first University Law School established in the vicinity of the Supreme Court, Delhi High Court, various subordinate courts, commissions, tribunals, and various monitoring offices of national and international voluntary organizations. Its Faculty is selected to prescribe higher qualifications than the University Grants Commission (UGC). The approach of the law school is to develop a positive attitude in students and make them realize that the lawyers are an integral part of the system of adjudication, determination of policies, and setting up of standards for regulation of various activities through relevant institutions. The Legal Entrepreneurship & Incubation Cell (LEIC) Legal entrepreneurs approach the law (of any jurisdiction) as though it is a marketplace, akin to the manner in which the classical business entrepreneur approaches the economic marketplace. Legal entrepreneurship is an inherently multi-disciplinary exercise that moves beyond the classical lawyers’ perceived boundaries. Legal entrepreneurship are thus best viewed as the process of achieving a distinctive, sustainable position in the economic market by the deliberate and innovative exploitation of one or more legal flexibilities. Thus, an entrepreneurship cell is an important branch in any educational institution today. The Legal Entrepreneurship & Incubation Cell seeks to perform the following roles: Firstly, it shall act as a think tank to devise new ways to amalgamate legal education with entrepreneurial training. Secondly, it shall ensure that the ways devised by it are implemented effectively so as to produce the desired result. Thirdly, it shall ensure a smooth introduction of entrepreneurial education into the law school curriculum and make an appropriate strategy for the same. The strategy shall be revised from time to time. Fourthly, the cell shall fill the gap between planning and implementation of the entrepreneurial training of law students.


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National Webinar on Law and Economics

Mar 6, 2022
Hosted by:
10:00 am
Registration Fees: