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National Poster Making Competition on NDIA@75


  1. Free Registration
  2. Registration and submission will be done through this Google Form Link:
  3. Make your poster as creative as possible.
  4. The poster should be a BRAINCHILD of the creator and must not infringe copyright rules.
  5. Use of Crayon, Sketch pens, Watercolour, Paints etc or Sketching is permissible.
  6. The poster should be mandatorily designed on White Chart Paper.
  7. No Technological Assistance should be used.
  8. The poster must contain ‘one slogan or caption’ related to the theme.
  9. The slogan must not be more than 10 words.
  10. The poster must be in jpeg format with a maximum limit of 100 MB.
  11. The poster should contain the Name of the Participant, Name of the University/Institution at the right bottom corner.
  12. The last date of registration and submission is 26/01/2022, Time – 12:00 Noon.
  13. Entries received after the last date will not be accepted.
  14. The result will be declared within a week via mail.


No Registration fees

The Participants have to register & submit through this Google Form Link:

All the formalities have to be completed in order to confirm participation.


Mr. Himanshu +91 7974187481

Mr. Janmejay Singh +91 9919999961

About the organizer

BBD University aims to transform the way people think by teaching them problem-solving, leadership and teamwork skills, and the value of commitment to quality, ethical behaviour, and respect for others. We want every member of our university to enjoy diverse opportunities for intellectual, personal and professional growth. Learning and working at BBD University will foster quick, well-rounded minds, well-equipped to succeed in our fast-changing world.


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National Poster Making Competition on NDIA@75

Hosted by:
Babu Banarasi Das University
Registration Fees: