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National Forensic Sciences University’s Journal of Law and Artificial Intelligence

The NFSU Journal of Law and Artificial Intelligence is the flagship journal of the School of Law, Forensic Justice and Policy Studies (National Forensic Sciences University–An Institution of National Importance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India) Gandhinagar, India–a premier law school in India.

This double-blind, peer-reviewed, international journal promotes interdisciplinary studies on law and artificial intelligence.

The journal was founded on January 26, 2022 and is published bi-annually.

Call for Papers

The call for papers opportunity is open to law academics, students, researchers and scholars. Authors can contribute articles on any of the following themes or any topic related to the broad area of Law and Artificial Intelligence:

AI and Legal identification

  • Determination of Civil and Criminal liability of AI
  • Determination of Legal Identity of AI
  • Can robots act as a witness
  • Determination of Master Agent Relationship in the case of AI

AI and IPR

  • AI and cybersecurity
  • AI and data protection
  • Robotic Innovation and IP
  • AI and Patent Protection
  • AI and Copy Right Protection
  • AI and Design
  • AI and Trademark Law

AI, Science and Technology: Legal Issues

  • Role of AI in Science & technology
  • AI and Health Issues
  • Technological Convergence and AI
  • Ethical, Legal and Technical Issues of AI

AI and modern Consumerism

  • Using AI in serving clients
  • Status of AI under Consumer Protection Act, 2019
  • Tussle between current Motor Vehicle Act and automated vehicles (AVs)

AI and Criminal Justice

  • AI-assisted facial or image recognition algorithms by State Police
  • Role and responsibility of ROBO- Police
  • Using AI in Predictive policing tools to detect and prevent crimes

Contemporary legal Issues

  • Role of AI in Environmental Sustainability
  • AI, Machine Learning and Big Data Laws and Regulations
  • AI and Human Rights Issues
  • Legal profession and AI

Submission Guidelines

  • The manuscript should be in MS Word format.
  • The word length of the contributions are as follows:
  • Articles: 6000-8000 words excluding footnotes and endnotes
  • Notes/Comments: 3000-4000 words
  • Book Reviews: 1500-2500 words
  • The articles should include an abstract 200-250 words
  • Authorship: All contributors who have made a substantial contribution to the submission should be listed as authors/co-authors.
  • Reference Style: Bluebook 19th edition
  • Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12; 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes should be in Times New Roman, font size 10.
  • Submission: Authors may email their manuscript to:


Students, Research Scholar, Academician, Advocates, Judicial Officers, Scientists, Engineers

Contact Information

Any correspondence, or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the NFSU Journal of Law and Artificial Intelligence editorial office:

Dr. Navtika Singh Nautiyal:

Dr. Shilpa Bhat:

About the organizer

The National Forensic Sciences University (erstwhile Gujarat Forensic Sciences University) is the world’s first and only University dedicated to Forensic and allied Sciences. The School of Law, Forensic Justice and Policy Studies has been established with the aim of imparting professional education with a special focus of forensic application in all allied areas of law and policy framework. The school aspired to be the leading provider of forensic justice understanding to all professionals from different areas of governance including justice administration.


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National Forensic Sciences University’s Journal of Law and Artificial Intelligence

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The National Forensic Sciences University
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