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Call for Articles

The second issue of the ACADR Newsletter focuses on the recent developments in the Alternate Dispute Resolution regime. The ACADR emphasizes unique perspectives and approaches. Selected articles will be published in the ACADR Newsletter – March 2022.


Role of Mediation in Dispute Resolution


  • Effectiveness of Mediation in family disputes.
  • E-Mediation: A Curtain Raiser.
  • Mediation in Technological Disputes.
  • Significance of institutionalizing mediation process in the light of Mediation Bill, 2021.

The above-mentioned sub-themes are not exhaustive in nature. The authors are free to write on any topic directly connected to the central theme of the Newsletter.


Applications are invited from students enrolled in bachelor, master or PhD level studies.


Online mode

Submission Guidelines

  • Authors to submit final versions of their blog/article in MS Word format.
  • Word Limit: Minimum 700 & maximum 800 words including References.
  • Do not include a table of contents.
  • Font style: Times New Roman
  • Title font-size: 14
  • Body font-size: 12
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • References/citations to be made using Bluebook 20th edition.
  • Usage of endnotes, not footnotes.
  • Endnotes to be in Times New Roman, font size 10, and justified alignment.
  • Total no. of co-authors permitted: 2.
  • Plagiarism must be less than 10%.
  • By submitting material for publication, you guarantee that you are the original copyright holder of the work in question, and you own the legal rights to use the information. In case of any breach of copyright, the author shall bear the liability.
  • Alliance School of Law would not be charging any publication fee.
  • Authors will be informed about the acceptance of their articles within 12 to 15 days from the submission date
  • The authors are required to fill the registration form and upload the article in the below-mentioned link.
  • The contributions towards the Alliance School of Law, ACADR E-Newsletter shall be published on the official website.

Registration Form

Click on the link given at the end of this post to register and make your submission.

Last Date to Submit

March 15, 2022

Contact Information

For any queries, please write to:

Student co-ordinators:

  • Ishanee Raul:
  • Vibhuti V.K.:

Click here for the official information.

About the organizer

The Alliance University presents Alliance Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution. The centre aspires to change the viewpoints of society and aims at exploring multiple facets of the Alternative Dispute Resolution systems. This helps in providing quality knowledge as well as disseminating information on the contemporary issues in the field of ADR mechanisms.


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Call for Articles

Hosted by:
The Alliance University
Registration Fees: