Learning on how to write a perfect answer is the key to scoring well in Judiciary Main Exams. No matter how much you have studied, read or practised, all that matters in the end is how well have you presented your answers in the booklet.

Team Law Community
May 12, 2021

Learning on how to write a perfect answer is the key to scoring well in Judiciary Main Exams. No matter how much you have studied, read or practised, all that matters in the end is how well have you presented your answers in the booklet. Needless to say that every student should possess the art of writing answers in the desired form to earn good grades. There are some basic tips that one should adhere to while writing answers in their Judiciary Main Exams such as – 

  1. Understanding of the Question 

Every candidate needs to understand the demand of the question and state the answers accordingly. If the question asks “Why?” do not answer for “What”. While one must aim to make all answers multi-dimensional, brevity and precision are of utmost importance. 

  1. Pointers or Paragraphing

There is no such mandatory rule to follow either pointer form or paragraphing form. It is solely dependent upon the student. However, if opting for paragraphs, it is suggested to go for short paragraphs. Long paragraphs are arduous to read whereas short paras are easy to comprehend and consume. 

  1. Usage of Jargons 

It is an added bonus to use legal jargons, maxims or underline keywords as it resonates with the corrector of the subject. Therefore, it is highly recommended as it gives more flair to your answers. However, one may use jargons only if they are highly confident of its meaning and correct usage.

  1. Presentation 

Your grades will also depend on how well you present your answers and the legibility of your hand writing. Thus, make sure your handwriting is legible enough for the corrector to read and mark you accordingly. Avoid cancellations of words or sentences and give headings or sub heading wherever possible.

  1. Adhere To The  Word Count 

The word limit is specified for a particular reason. It is to ascertain one’s skill of presenting concise and precise answers. Examiners appreciate answers which are written within the prescribed word limit and may mark negatively for those answers which cross the threshold.

  1. Case Laws

It is advisable to use appropriate case laws for the answers as it gives an authenticity to the answers of the candidate. If one does not remember the entire citation then the name of the parties would also suffice along with its explanation. Candidates should also mention courts final verdict or judgement.

  1. Avoid Using Too Many Abbreviations

One should not fill its answers with abbreviations of all sorts. Commonly understood abbreviations may be used sparingly as he/she cannot depend upon the assumption to know all of them. How one sculpts an answer, reflects one’s mind set and capability to clear judiciary main exams. 

  1. Allot Time For Each Section 

Allotting time for each section is very important as this will help you finish your answers on time. With this one will know how much time should be allotted for each section and when to move ahead from one question to another.  This however comes from practice and cannot be done overnight. 

  1. Broader Image 

Before starting with any answer one should have a synopsis in mind as to what their answers will consist of. While writing an answer one should also know what will be their next word or sub heading so as to continue the flow. This however will come after you have read well and applied continuously. 

10. Re-view Time 

This is the most important time where every candidate should preserve that last 15 minutes at the least to review its answers, whether any point, case name, spelling error or punctuation is missing or whether they’ve left anything that needed more thinking upon. It’s in this time that one needs to see that everything written so far is correct and right according to them.