George Floyd incident is the most recent example for all of us to understand this. When this incident took place all of the social media sites, media houses were taken by the boom.

Vanshika Gaba
July 16, 2020

George Floyd incident is the most recent example for all of us to understand this. When this incident took place all of the social media sites, media houses were taken by the boom. There were post and stories asking justice to be served to George Floyd and I was feeling proud that not only where this incident took place people were protesting but, the people of my country INDIA were also very well aware and were doing their best to ask for justice for George Floyd. All fellow Indians take a strong stand against these ill-practices. 

But when I analyzed the whole situation more holistically, so I realized that because of this incident our Indian Hypo crisis visible at a forefront. Because similar incidents have taken place in India as well many times. Then why it was never criticized on such a huge scale by all Indians!? 

For example- when Palghar Sadhus were Lynched and then the lawyer was murdered why wasn’t there a huge protest for this heartbreaking incident!? How many of us posted in light of this event for justice for them?How many of us posted consistently and coherently asking for northeastern brothers and sisters? How many of us asked for justice for Kashmiri Hindus who were raped murdered and even after 30 years are living there lives in their own country as a refugee? How many of us spoke against the Sikh genocide? 

Don’t you think that being a citizen of India it should be our prime concern to first think about India and Indians? Yes, it makes the entire nation proud to stand together against global atrocities. But why we don’t speak like a whole in strong voices and writings for our nation’s atrocities. Do you feel you will be judged each time you will talk about India?Do you feel inferior when you talk about India? 

If your answer is YES, then I mustask you to recapitulate your entire thought process. Because if at this peakhour if someone needs us the most that are our own Country. I am not askingthat we should not talk about stuff that is happening across the world. But weshould remember to talk with the same magnitude, frequency and conviction eachtime a crisis breaks out in our country and when our countryman faces the sameatrocities. 

Recalling the incident of either Kashmir genocide or Sikh genocide, my heart skips a beat just by visualizing how much they have suffered. I was a humanities student and in my 11th class I read about Sikh genocide, I asked my parents that do you remember something like this? They told me yes it was a dark period. Then I researched it, I found that because Early PM Indira Gandhi was killed by his bodyguard who was a Sikh, So whole community suffered the consequences and no Government or Police helped Sikh or did anything to save their lives.

 I also got to know that many colonies were named Widow Colonies because all women lost their husbands in this Mass Murder. After 10 yrs (approx.) in 2002 PM Rajiv Gandhi to normalize situations said: “When a big tree falls, the earth shakes”. I will leave the decision part to you. Don’t you think Sikhs genocide was more brutal than this incident and they deserve justice? 

Always remember if we have got Right to Freedom then Our Country is our first and foremost responsibility.