Time; waits for none and Efforts; waste for none.

Advocate Keshav Garg, in his interview, states that to be known among society and have success, efforts and time need to be put-in. He said that hunger to do anything, can lead to the best results and that determination is required to achieve success.

Team Law Community
August 29, 2020


Advocate Keshav Garg who is founder of Vakil 24*7. Under the initiative of Lawyer speaks, he shared few particulars of his voyage. He shared, he was initially not interested in Law. Family circumstances made him chose law. According to him law is logistic subject.

He had to look over his family business as well. He was sorted to do hard work, to achieve his dreams . To get selected in Delhi, he had to study 10- 12 hours a day for consecutively for 5-6 months. In my opinion his weakness, family conditions became a driving force for him to work hard.

He had personal experience of mediation for prolonged justice. It grew a hunger in him to make justice available to the needy. He considers law as a profession which could help masses. Hence, he wanted to avail justice to those who need it.


By his organization, he  gained trust of people. Due to fair ambitions people are giving love to Vakil 24*7. He tries out most to provide absolute and bonafide justice. The objectives were straightforward and in good faith, which was apprehended by public.

He has been an intern at Para Legal.He was allocated to help people. He appreciates the organization for his humanitarian services to mankind.

He added, legal department in India needs evolution. Digitalization of summons, notices and filling system.According to him the process and lot of time could be saved. Recently,E-filling system is introduced which is a great initiative.

He mentioned the system could get smooth by making few changes. He suggested, ‘there are criminal essences and cheque bounce cases that should be attended to minimize the burden.’ By decreasing the burden judiciary and it could work firmly.



Lastly, he emphasized on the importance of having patience. Legal profession there are no short-cuts. You need to properly invest time and efforts. Also, one needs to learn practical knowledge of law. Then only you would be able to help clients.

He appreciated the platform provided by Law Community. He mentioned the legal updates shared by the community are important. He wished luck to Law Community for its E-Magazine.