After digitalization of the world, E-mails are given greater importance as they are used as a tool to get quickly connected with the customer. Such emphasis is given to a single e-mail, but many lacks in this particular skill of e-mail writing. There are many styles in writing an e-mail. We use a professional format to get our work done.

Team Law Community
September 12, 2020

In today's cosmopolitan world, E-mails play a vital role. They are used in all the corporate fields. Sometimes these mails chose the fate of a prospective employee of the firm. E-mails are the medium of communication between employers and employees, supplier and the company, warehouse and the outlets, company and the customers. Sometimes, e-mails are exchanged internally within the employee range. They are also used in submitting application attached with CV. After digitalization of the world, E-mails are given greater importance as they are used as a tool to get quickly connected with the customer. Such emphasis is given to a single e-mail, but many lacks in this particular skill of e-mail writing.

There are many styles in writing an e-mail. We use a professional format to get our work done. When it is a job-related e-mail, better be straight forward and avoid beating around the bush. The less the details you include, the better your mail would be.  We begin our e-mail by greeting the receiver as a sign of respect. There are many questions to be posed before writing an e-mail. Think first and act next. Whom to write? What to write? Have you written to them before? Will this e-mail impacts you positively or negatively? , are to be answered. Writing a successful professional e-mail involves a series of steps.

  1. Salutations or greetings are very important in an e-mail. It is very odd to refer to a stranger as "Dear".  So, words like "Hey/ Hello/ Hi" can be used.  If you use "Dear", use it along with the name. If you are unknown with the receiver's name, then it is better avoiding words like "Dear Sir/ Dear Madam".
  2. Introducing the topic or information is also very important. "This is to bring to your notice/ to let you know" are frequently used terms of informal e-mails.  For example, Mayukh has been promoted – it denotes a general conversation. This is to inform you that Mayukh has been promoted to the rank of – it indicates professional communication.  At this stage, the author of an e-mail must explain what he/she is writing about. Example: I'm writing to inquire about my application process. Be quick to the point; don't keep the reader wondering. If you are writing to the reader for the first time, it is better to introduce yourself in a single line. 
  3. Usage of phrases and idiomatic expressions will thrive to improve your image. If you are asking for an appointment- “Please let me know if this works for you”, for a follow-up – “As we’ve discussed”,  you previously talked about something and brought it up in the mail –" thanks for getting back to me", if you are apologizing for someone – " Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused by us" etc. This would create a good impression on the reader.
  4. Follow up is also vital if you are the superior in the rank. Words like “Regarding”, “on the topic of” are to be used. It is important not to lose content on the way.
  5. I am wrapping up with a closing line which means concluding your mail with one statement. "I'll look forward meeting with you" can be used.
  6. Thanking the recipient is very much crucial because he has taken some time to read your e-mail. "Thank you for your patience and consideration/ Thanks for getting back to me/ Thanks for the heads up” are best examples.
  7. Professional signing off is required. There are many ways to put an end to an e-mail. However, to be professional, there is no need to be creative. Words like “Sincerely, Best regards, Appreciatively, Keep me posted “are frequently used in day to day conversations.
  8. The subject line is a must. There is a chance of altogether avoiding the mail when the subject line is vague or not properly framed related to the body. A precise subject line must be chosen. "Please share your experience with us/ Follow up for / Request for recommendation/ Reminder for the event/can’t wait for tomorrow (have you registered?)" are some excellent examples. Avoid subject lines like “urgent/please reply immediately/ blank”.

Your e-mail is done. Don't avoid proof of reading your e-mail. It helps a lot to review your mistakes. Double-check the grammar and points to be discussed. E-mails are not the future of professional communications, but they are at present. They still rule the day. Therefore it is better to learn how to write an e-mail in an entirely professional manner. Beware; some persons judge you by reading your e-mails.