Staying up so far with the newest legal developments during a sort of sectors and practice areas are often an awesome prospect for several legal professionals, especially those running small firms. But maintaining your sharp edge is significant to delivering the best quality work to your clients and mitigating your liability risk, and having a grasp on legal aptitude is the way forward.

Team Law Community
October 11, 2020


Staying up so far with the newest legal developments during a sort of sectors and practice areas are often an awesome prospect for several legal professionals, especially those running small firms. But maintaining your sharp edge is significant to delivering the best quality work to your clients and mitigating your liability risk, and having a grasp on legal aptitude is the way forward.

Just as a pointy blade enables a chef to figure with precision and speed, lawyers need strong legal knowledge, legal aptitude and up-to-date resources to handle legal problems effectively and carve out the relevant facts and issues to be addressed.


The newest legal developments in your areas of experience can:

  • Save you time: Knowing a few legislative changes or a replacement case before you begin formulating your advice enables you to try to work once, confidently you won't need to rethink or rewrite it.
  • Save face: Written advice affords us the posh of updating ourselves on an unfamiliar area of law so we will still sound like an expert, albeit we weren't two hours prior. But what about fielding random legal questions at a client lunch? Having a fresh mental cache of the latest case law is often a deal saver.
  • Save your reputation: Failing to require under consideration a changed law may result in negligent advice to your clients, which suggests having to form that decision to your professional liability insurer.

So how should lawyers maintain a pointy legal knowledge and aptitude?

1. Utilise online technology

  • Online legal information providers are one among the simplest sources of legal updates on a broad range of subject areas.
  • These resources are often customised to your specific needs and sent to your mobile device.
  • You'll also access experts' blog posts, podcasts, practise notes, checklists and precedents so you'll be confident you're using the original accurate and up-to-date reference materials.

2. Subscribe to industry newsletters

  • Industry newsletters provide a wealth of data about legal developments, broad policy changes and market shifts that are directly affecting your clients.
  • Such in-context information can highlight the sensible implications of law or about-face to your client's business.
  • There is also a replacement range of 'converter' apps, which may instantly provide you with the new legislative reincarnations of obsolete provisions, like the previous Trade Practices Act.

3. Attend industry networking events

  • The benefits of getting involved in industry events can't be emphasised enough.
  • Not only does one receive practical industry information, you furthermore may have the chance to create your professional profile, study your competitors, network with clients and share the training experience with clients and colleagues.
  • The opportunities to remain relevant in the law are continually growing, and it's now easier than ever to access timely and accurate information.
  • Lawyers who invest the time to remain sharp with these tools can gain the trust of their clients and a reputation for quality.


Basic legal aptitude is necessary to get admission in a prestigious law school, but maintaining and enhancing it from time-to-time is the most important factor for a lawyer. Legal aptitude is improved over the years, by experience, patience and a lot of reading.