It doesn't matter if you're debating at home or a professional place, a few simple rules when put together can make someone a good debater. Someone with good effective communication, a well-placed argument and paying attention to what the other debater is saying comprises being good at debates.

Team Law Community
October 11, 2020

A debate in simple words means a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward and which usually ends with a vote. 

It doesn't matter if you're debating at home or a professional place, a few simple rules when put together can make someone a good debater. Someone with good effective communication, a well-placed argument and paying attention to what the other debater is saying comprises being good at debates. One can make just about any opinion sound like their own. Before preparing for a debate, one must know the rules and regulations of a debate when debating at a proper place or school. It is important because breaking the rules and not being consistent can lose you points. 

There are a couple of different debating styles, so one must need to know which one they are using to be clear on their rules. It's a good idea to look into the topics in advance if the topics are known to be knowledgeable about the topics that are going to be a matter of discussion. It’s also advised to speak only when you have proper knowledge about the topic because when wrong the other debater may point out the wrongs and the points can be deducted on that basis too, and when every point counts it is essential to be knowledgeable about the topics that you are going to say so much about. While debating, one must stay calm, shouting or getting angry can lose you points. This will also show weakness or a sore nerve to your opponent. One must keep their voice even and pressurize on words that are important and noteworthy. One must be clear so that everyone can understand you. Speaking also makes you sound smarter and more confident. It's important to explain to the other how you concluded that you're at, and it should be done step by step so that it's easy to get the other way to think the same way you're thinking and that's a win for you once you get the other one to think the way you're thinking. As long as you’re reasoning is good on the surface, this can be one of the most effective ways to bring someone over to your side of the argument. 

When you argue with someone, it's also important to be respectful and fair and acknowledge the other one's argument like you're trying to make him do and respective on his opinions. Insulting over them, talking over them or judging them is not the appropriate rules of perfect debating. Although you don't have to be confident, acting confident can make you and your argument more appealing and believable. Some easy and simple things to act confident are making eye contact with your opponent as well as people in your audience if you have one. Speaking clearly and with purpose can also make you seem confident. Try to use facts and real-life examples to make logical arguments. Try to draw on people's hopes and fears. Use personal stories to make a personal connection with either your opponent or your audience by comparing the situation to something close to them. 


All these qualities and more can help one become good at debating and help them be good at knowing what to say as debating is often regarded as a good quality in the service industry. All these qualities can also be implemented in day to day lives when it comes to being right, and you know what when to say.