Getting your first client can be hectic and nerve-wracking, and for most of the part, it is a two-step process: Mental preparation and some old fashioned pounding the pavement.

Team Law Community
October 11, 2020

I can be the smartest attorney in the world, but I can't run a law firm without clients. And many times mistaken as one getting clients and practising law are two different things. Finding creative ideas for your law firm can be overwhelming. Getting your first client can be hectic and nerve-wracking, and for most of the part, it is a two-step process: Mental preparation and some old fashioned pounding the pavement. 

The primary thing to do is being low to your expectations, you won't catch a big high profile case at your first try, and it’s a long ladder up to that point. Although your first client is going to be memorable for all reasons you will never come to expect, you will face hurdles and come across roadblocks, and after you get through that case, you will have learned a lot and will have the courage for the second case. There are many goals, but no one gets there on their first try. 

One must recognize the value in gaining the experience, not the money. Depending on your life experience and the things taught in law school, you will have to apply those all at one place for real for the first time and memorize everything you have been learning for all this time. One of the essential things you will have to learn is valuing your time, once you start valuing your time, so will your clients. Be punctual to your time, and your clients will also make sure that they get things to get done in time. You need to develop skills that put you in a position to succeed as an attorney regularly. The attorneys that 

 Get those cases to get them because they have a reputation for being a good attorney. They also have strong client relationship skills, and they also know how to run a business too. Every client has monetary value, including your first client, but the most important value that you will pick up form your first client is experience. 

No one knows that you are in a business until you tell them. You need to go out and tell people that you are doing a business whatever that happens to be. You won't just get clients sitting at home all day. Getting your first client is not easy, but with the right mental approach and some hustle, you will have a full case note until you know it. 

Networking can be one of the most effective ways of finding new clients for your law practice. It would help if you had a good network of family and friends, and even friends already in the business to help you get your first or second client until you build a name for yourself. The more people you meet, the more chances you have to acquire a new client. Seek out public speaking engagements and law-related panels where you will have the chance to educate people about legal issues that may affect them. Given the fact that they seek out more information on that matter and are interested in the matter, you're selling them and affect them in ways possible. 

It would help if you were online as it is an internet-connected generation and millions of people are already on the web looking for services so you'll have to find a way to make yourself available on the web. This, in my opinion, is the most important criteria to be successful in this modern age of technology. 


The more you know about what problems your clients may run into, the more are your chances to sell them services they will need. And this increases your opportunities by a long shot.