How to find legal help if you can’t afford a lawyer

In today times hiring a professional legal representative or to get legal counselling have become very costly and sometimes seeking justice for an individual can be very money-draining which is also is one of the reasons why many people rather than fighting for righteousness chooses to get away with it.

Team Law Community
January 6, 2021

In today times hiring a professional legal representative or to get legal counselling have become very costly and sometimes seeking justice for an individual can be very money-draining which is also is one of the reasons why many people rather than fighting for righteousness chooses to get away with it. Cost analysis is very important in anything in our country whether it is education, food or justice but this should not be the case and also eventually things are taking shape and getting better justice is also becoming affordable and viable to the poor because nowadays everything is not entirely depended on the mediator or the counsellor. If one is wealthy enough to hire a team of counsellor or representative it's their choice. Still, it is not the only choice left with everyone there any many other platforms, helplines that provide free legal help that too from expert attorney counsellor .there many organizations who have taken steps in this direction so that everyone can claim for their rights like any other citizen of this country even if they cannot pay hefty amounts to the firms and agencies.  The government have to take vital steps by establishing NATIONAL LEGAL SERVICE AUTHORITY  through which provide legal aid and legal service to those who are unable to afford it. Legal service involves providing that weaker section of society which falls within the scope of section 12 of the Act of the Legal Service Authority, 1987, with free legal possibility. It also involves developing legal awareness through the propagation of legal literacy by means of consensus through legal awareness camps, print media, digital media and organizing lok adalats for the amicable resolution of conflicts that are either pending or that are yet to be filed. NALSA also takes required steps by way of social action litigation with regard to any matter of special concern to the weaker section of the society. Legal services also encompass facilitating the beneficiaries to get their entitlements under various government schemes, policies and legislation. Provision of free legal aid in this act includes free legal services which may include representation by an advocate in legal proceedings , payments of process fees, expense of witness and  all other expenses incurred in connection with any legal proceedings in the  cases , drafting of legal documents , preparation of pleading , memo of appeal , paper book including printing and translation of  documents in legal proceedings  in civil and criminal matter for those poor and marginalized people who cannot afford the services of a lawyer for the conduct of a case legal proceeding in any court , tribunal or authority and service is not only provided for the subordinate courts but from session courts to supreme court and at any stage of the case people seek these legal help, according to section 13(1) OF the act , any individual who satisfies any criteria under section 12 is entitled to receive legal services , provided that the concerned  legal services  authority is satisfied that such person is  a genuine case to prosecute or defend the matter . There is hence no bar as to which kind of cases one can apply for. All kinds of cases are included as long as the individual satisfies the eligibility under section 12 of the act.