“The Minimum wage is zero” said by Mr. Kofi Annan which explain the pragmatic situation. Today's top business news: Unemployment rate in May rose to 27.11%, stocks soar as India begins to unlock, businesses run out of cash, that says the headlines of Hindustan Times dated 01-06-2020.
“The Minimum wage is zero” said by Mr. Kofi Annan which explain the pragmatic situation. Today's top business news: Unemployment rate in May rose to 27.11%, stocks soar as India begins to unlock, businesses run out of cash, that says the headlines of Hindustan Times dated 01-06-2020. For India, unemployment has been a chronic disease haunting the nation.
This time the threat is huge to leave people redundant. We all know the great struggle that daily wage workers are undergoing. Due to unoccupancy they tend to make their ways to their hometown in search of better chance of survival. Even the big business houses have faced a setback, leading to salary cuts, unemployment and helplessness.
It sums up to “disease of rich has paved way to graves of the poor”. Pro-Urbanisation has taken 180 degree turn and now it has changed to ruralisation. Now, I, as a law student urge the nation to take responsibility.
Seeing these extremities, Government have taken various steps to keep the unemployment rates low: -
As every coin have two sides, COVID recession will bring some opportunities in the future. As a result of this pandemic, America has increased the tariff policies to 25%, which has led many techno-based companies to shift their manufacturing concern to different countries.
We could provide these companies a base which will increase the level of employment leading to increased number of job opportunity and decrease in inflation. Moreover, increased Gross Domestic Product.
Even Apple has started construction of their manufacturing concern in the southern part of our nation. Even Japanese companies have given a thought about the same.
This brings a grin in these gloomy times. As our nation is labour oriented, these are some good news which will provide a golden opportunity to both skilled and unskilled labour all around the country.
What we all can take from this scenario is that we have no choice else to live through this global emergence. We need to keep in mind that worst experiences teach the best lessons. You can reach the law community on our networking platform to share what lesson you learnt from this pandemic experience.