COVID FILES: Minding our Minds in the Lockdown

These can be tough times for all of us when we learn about COVID-19 spreading from all over the world through TV, social media, newspapers, family and friends, and other outlets.

Sameer Datta
July 21, 2020

These can be tough times for all of us when we learn about COVID-19 spreading from all over the world through TV, social media, newspapers, family and friends,and other outlets. The most common emotion that everyone faces is Fear. This makes us nervous, panicky and can even make us think, say or do things under normal conditions we would not find necessary.

Social Isolation has become one of significant problem that most of us are facing.This leads to mental distress, Hyper tension and even depression in some cases.And also sometimes leads to heinous consequences.

Yes, I am talking of suicide, it seems to be anew trend now-a-day. Firstly, very renowned celeb Mr. Sushant Singh Rajput passed away, and following him a 10th student also took a leave to heaven aboard. What he wrote in his death note startled my wits, He wrote, if Sushant could, I can also do it. Then came the sad news of Ms. Sia Kakar.

Lockdown seems to be a cruel time for these people. The problem is with the thinking of these people, who think suicide is the solution for everything. From my frame of mind, suicide is the worst thing that one could do to your parents. Just the thought of it makes parents vulnerable, then think, Whey they will see you lifeless lying in front of them.

Some Measures for Handling Social Isolation

Staying at home for a while can be pretty good but can also be boring and restrictive.There are several ways to remain optimistic and cheerful.

· Keep yourself busy.Dispose of a daily schedule. Help with doing some of the homework.

· Distract yourself from the negative feelings by listening to music, reading, watching a nice TV show.If you've had old hobbies like painting, gardening, or stitching, then go back.Reload your hobbies.

· Feed nice, and drink enough fluids.

· Do be involved physically. Do basic indoor exercises to keep you in shape and feel comfortable.

· Sharing is all about caring.Understand if anyone around you needs guidance, food or something else that is important. Ready to chat.

Practice breathing slowly for a few minutes in times of anxiety. Try to separate your thoughts which make you anxious. Think of something peaceful and serene, and keep your mind slow. Calming your mind when you feel frustrated and upset, counting back from 10 to 1, distracting yourself helps. Even when you feel scared, do it by asking yourself, What's under my control? Am I overly concerned about the worst possible thing? c. How did I do when I got overwhelmed in the past? What can I do to support myself, and be positive? It's also relatively common to feel lonely or sad. Stay linked to others.

In India, the Mental Health Care Act 2017 was passed on 7 April 2017 and came into force on 7 July 2018.The law was described in its opening paragraph as 'A Act to provide mental healthcare and services for mentally ill persons and to protect, promote and enforce the rights of such persons during the provision of mental healthcare and services and in matters connected with or in connection with mental healthcare.

It states that mental illness shall be defined 'in accordance with nationally and internationally recognized medical criteria (including the latest version of the World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases), as may be informed by the Central Government.' Moreover, the Act states that no person or authority shall classify an individual as a person with mental illness. The act effectively decriminalizes attempted suicide punishable in accordance with section 309 of the Indian Penal Code.

Every problem has a solution, You just need to find it. Socialise yourself and win it.