Despite the implementation and enactment of all legal and medical elucidations proposed and executed during the past tenure of Covid-19 Pandemic,

Team Law Community
May 12, 2021


Despite the implementation and enactment of all legal and medical elucidations proposed and executed during the past tenure of Covid-19 Pandemic, it seems that it isn’t getting in control anytime sooner. People are learning to live with the mysterious microbe and have accepted the fact that many are going to be affected by it since the vaccine that can stop the spread of the virus seems far away. In the present context, this article analyzes the annotations and comments on the major challenges faced due to Covid-19 Pandemic.


Our lives despite the unlocking haven’t been the same anymore. There are radical changes in working, communicating, commuting and socializing. Nearly all sectors have been highly affected, leading to a major downfall in the economy of our Country and World at large. However, it is rightly said ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’. Despite the setback, many people have managed to make a huge comeback. Covid-19 has allowed rebooting our economic system by becoming self-reliant in strategic areas and aligning growth with a friendly environment. Social distancing, wearing a mask, contactless or no-touching, sanitizing and washing hands and building higher immune are few methods being practised to curb the virus.  

Economic conditions have been facing nerve-wracking challenges. During the lockdown period, the GDP fell to its extreme. Salary crash has become a new normal. The poor are getting poorer, and the middle class can barely provide for themselves. The street vendors, labourers and daily wage earners because of no work and lack of income had to move back to their villages with empty hands. The lack of employment and job opportunities lead to a rise in unemployment and poverty. The Businesses which acknowledged and adjusted with the long-term changing trends created by Covid-19have been flourishing since then. People couldn’t move out due to the risk of infection. Hence, they ordered things virtually. People are switching from traditional methods of offline shopping to online modes. Secondly, the product in which one is dealing became an important factor. There is a change in the pattern of spending. The majority are spending on essentials and very less on luxurious or avoidable products.

Along with food and other essentials products, the mask, face shield, sanitizers, and various hygiene products are highly in demand. Also, Essential workers such as doctors and nurses will find employment easily. Still, the hospitality, travel, aviation industry, hotels, theatres, malls and real-estate have been hit hard, and they’ve been facing mounting losses or next-to-nothing profits. Many people have used this period to upskill themselves and learn new things.

Virtual work culture has led to a restructuring of digitalization. Many people are getting familiar with technologies and modernizing their techniques. School Teachers are taking online classes; businesses are operating through online modes, court proceedings are being held virtually, meetings and webinars are being conducted through various online platforms, service providers and banks are working digitally. As compared to offline modes, online modes help attract a larger audience. Just as an economic shift towards technology drove workers into cities, the same technology is now allowing them to leave and yet giving them the same or even bigger opportunities. Excessive workloads and long commutes to workplaces robbed people of their family time. The home-centric work culture will enable people to spend time with their families when they seek breaks from work-pressure, nurturing closer family-ties. This is new.

Due to the pandemic, it became necessary to focus on upgrading the healthcare system for handling rapid surges in the volume of patients. It led to the creation of better and adequate healthcare facilities to cope with such emergencies better. The contagion has raised awareness among the masses about adequate cleanliness. Healthy home-made meals have replaced junk food. More focus on building good immunity and healthy living has evolved. People are forming good habits of wearing masks and washing and sanitizing hands frequently, practices that are certain to develop overall hygiene shall remain unchanged for years to come.

Drastic improvement has been observed in the environment. A dramatic decrease in industrial activities, road traffic, tourism and restricted human interaction with nature during this crisis time has appeared as a blessing for nature and the environment. Reports from all over the world are indicating that after the outbreak of COVID-19, environmental conditions including air quality and water quality in rivers are improving and wildlife is blooming. Pollution levels went down, and nature has flourished. Remotely working helped saving fuel, digitalization gave rise to paperless transactions and reduction in consumption led to a sustainable lifestyle.

Many sectors in which social distancing get inevitably threatened must redefine their approach. Educational institutions cannot have classrooms with each student sitting one foot away from the other. The fear of coronavirus won’t evaporate overnight, and students won’t be comfortable sitting inside crowded classrooms. Hence virtual classrooms are the only resort; however, internet connectivity issues, limited data and a lack of resources are the three main barriers to online learning for school children in impoverished areas.


As people work together in breaking the chain of coronavirus infection, a better world is emerging. The people have realized the need for precautions and are taking steps against future contingencies, to keep the coming generations safe. However, the coronavirus pandemic has imposed on us a global experiment in rethinking business as usual. The ways we live, work and learn have all been disrupted by COVID-19, and some of the lessons learned and experiences gained in this crisis will enable us to emerge on the other side better equipped to do all three. Covid-19 seems to have slowed downtime, as efforts to stop the spread of the disease curtailed so many aspects of normal life. Its real effect on the future may be to accelerate the timing of developments already underway. Our present challenge is to get to that future – to arrive at a day when the immediate threat of the virus recedes, and we get a better picture of what the new normal holds in store.

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