What has the Pandemic able to achieve that Namami Gange Project has been ineffective in?

Jun 4, 2020

The World Health Organisation has officially declared the COVID-19 as pandemic and is still ongoing in various parts of the world. Lockdown due to COVID-19 reduced transport activities which results in less energy consumption and lower oil demand. These changes in transport activities and oil demand exert a significant impact on the environmental quality. It has caused a global reduction which has a positive impact on Earth. The river Ganga has become clean and fit for drinking. In the several other ghats, fishes and other creatures are visible too. This pandemic and the lockdown in consequence has in fact, given us a positive effect in the environment. 

What the Government could not achieve the same in years through ‘Namami Gange Programme’, the nature itself did it in weeks. ‘Namami Gange Programme’, is an Integrated Conservation Mission which is approved as ‘Flagship Programme’ by the Union Government in June 2014. The objectives of this programme are cut of pollution, conservation and upgrading of National River Ganga.

But it is not effective in the long run. Once, our lives go back to normal, the rivers will be dirty again and there will be increase in pollution as well. The Government, therefore, should identify a balance between the environment and the survival of the people. 

