Vayoshreshtha Samman

Oct 10, 2020

Vayoshreshtha Samman might be a topic of awards instituted by the Ministry of Social Justice & direction and step by step upgraded to the standing of National Awards, for establishments concerned in rendering distinguished service for the reason for aged persons particularly poverty-stricken senior voters and to eminent voters in recognition of their service/achievements. The govt. Has been conferring Vayoshrestha Samman annually since 2005. However, it has been given the standing of a national award solely since 2013. The Awards area unit was given to eminent voters and establishments in recognition of their outstanding services to the aged individuals, particularly poverty-stricken senior voters.

The objective of Vayoshreshtha Samman

  • To showcase Government’s concern for senior voters and its commitment towards them to strengthen their legitimate place in society.
  • To provides a chance to the younger generation to understand the contribution of age in the building of society and nation.
  • These awards were bestowed by Sumitra Mahajan, Speaker of Lok Sabha within the presence of Thaawar Chand Gehlot, Union cathedral for Social Justice & direction and Minister of State Sudarshan Bhagat. These awards area unit bestowed as a neighbourhood of the celebration of the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) on first Oct. The National Award Area Unit aims to indicate the Government’s concern for senior voters and their commitment to them to strengthen their legitimate place within society. It’s additionally meant to supply an opportunity to the younger generation to understand the contribution of the aged in the building of the society and thus the state. The awards area unit meant to be presented on eminent senior voters and establishments concerned in rendering distinguished services for the reason for aged persons particularly poverty-stricken senior voters. The recipient’s area unit drawn from various fields. The Awards area unit was given to many establishments from each a neighbourhood of the country. Nominations area unit invited from Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies.

It is being awarded to–

  • Institutions that area unit concerned in providing distinguished service for the reason for aged persons (especially poverty-stricken senior citizens)
  • Eminent senior voters in recognition of their service and achievements
  • Individuals from any a neighbourhood of the country
  • The recipient’s area unit drawn from various fields and nominations area unit invited from Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies.

International Day of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons is ascertained on the primary of Oct annually under a UNGA resolution. Today is used to spotlight the contributions of the aged and additionally raise awareness regarding problems like aged abuse. The theme this year was ‘Leaving nobody Behind: Promoting a Society for All’. The Vayoshreshtha Samman Awards area unit given annually on the International Day of Older Persons



  1. Centenarian Award: For notable people World Health Organization area unit on top of ninety years and area unit still physically active, freelance and causative to the society. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  2. Picture Mother Award: for girls senior voters World Health Organization within the face of nice odds, cited their kids and supported them in being high achievers within the sector of their selection. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  3. Time accomplishment Award: To senior voters, ideally on top of seventy years, the World Health Organization have worked within the sector of ageing and created important contribution within the sector. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  4. Inventive Art Award: The winners of National / International approval for their contributions to literature, theatre, cinema, music, dance, painting, sculpture, photography etc. and the World Health Organization still advance well in their field in their adulthood. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  5. Sports and journey Award (one every for Male and Female): To senior voters, the World Health Organization have won international acclaim, and World Health Organization still contributes within the sector of sports and journey. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
  6.  Bravery & bravery award (one every for Male and Female): To senior voters, the World Health Organization have displayed further standard bravery within the face of grave danger. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.2.5 lakhs. Normally, the Awards aren’t bestowed posthumously. However, if the death happens after nomination having been submitted, the award could even be bestowed posthumously.


  1. Best establishment for analysis within the sector of Ageing: For establishments with a record of outstanding add analysis and dissemination of knowledge within the sector of ageing. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.5
  2. Best establishment for providing services to Senior voters and Awareness Generation: For establishments with a record of providing services to the aged, particularly poverty-stricken senior voters. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.5 lakhs.
  3. The best District council in providing services and facilities to Senior Citizens: To the district Panchayats, that have done outstanding work for senior voters. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.10 lakhs.
  4. Best Urban native Body in providing services and facilities to Senior Citizens: To municipal bodies, that have done outstanding work for senior voters. The award carries a citation, souvenir and money award of Rs.10 lakhs.
  5. Best state in implementing the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Voters Act, 2007 and providing services and facilities to senior citizens: For the States or Union Territories which have led to implementing many of the provisions of the Act and in which The highest proportion of settlement claims for maintenance or best protection programs for the elderly. The award carries a Citation and a gift.
  6. Best non-public Sector Organisation in promoting the eudaimonia and welfare of Senior Citizens: company homes, addressing the problems of aged either by providing them profitable employment or utilizing their skills and skill to the great thing about the society or making infrastructure in geriatric treatment or the similar opposite step for the great thing about senior voters as a community. The activities undertook permanently thing about senior voters need to be far away from the inject business of the organization. The award carries a Citation and a gift.

Best Public Sector Organisation in promoting the eudaimonia and welfare of Senior Citizens: Public Sector Undertakings endeavour service to the community through activities beneath company social responsibility and additionally through programmes for retired staff. The award carries a Citation and a gift.

