RTI Application form

Oct 10, 2020

Right to information, 2015 is an act of the Parliament of India “to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens”. For the smooth and transparent working of the government, the right to information acts as a ray of hope. Right to information is the only way a citizen of the country can request information from any public authority about its works, activities, etc. The citizen can request any kind of information except for private and confidential information.

At the disposal of the common man, Right to Information acts as the strongest tool of legislation which helps me the common man get information on any matter. Right of Information is very useful as a citizen can ask the public authority about its working, which brings out the true picture of the organization. Because of this, the citizen can make sure where the authority is working under the law under which it is subject, and there is no sought of discrimination taking place, etc.

A citizen can demonstrate his right to information from any department; however, departments related to defence and national security are not covered by the RTI. This includes bodies like National Security Guard, the Intelligence Bureau and Border Security Force etc.

Format of RTI Application


Public Information Officer

[Address of Public Authority]

Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act 2005

Dear PIO,

I [Your Name], a citizen of India, request you to furnish me with certain information under Section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act 2005.

Details of Applicant :

Name :

Email :

Tel No :

Address :

Particulars of information required :







Application Fee of Rs.10 is remitted as [IPO/DD/Banker’s Cheque] numbered [IPO/DD/Banker’s Cheque Number] for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, [Name of Public Authority]. Please send the information to my address mentioned above by Registered post.

Yours faithfully,


[Your Name]


